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Finding Freedom

As Jesus walked slowly through the town, he was interrupted by a desperate man. “A leper came and worshipped him saying if you are willing you can make me clean.  Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." Immediately his leprosy was cleansed”. Mat 8:3.

What a great outcome. What a great lesson. He came to worship; he came focused and determined. It was premeditated devotion. He didn’t need music, silence or solitude but only an opportunity to cry out “You can make me clean.”

Sometimes we think that worship is not as vocal as praise. Praise is never quiet; praise is always expressive. Worship may make no sound but all worship makes a statement. Every worshipper is saying something. The leper worshipped Jesus saying make me clean - not make the famous, rich or even employed but make me clean and he was met with mercy and a miracle.  He never said please forgive me, or understand me or even please help me, but please cleanse me and it touched the heart of Jesus.  It touched Him because that is repentance and repentance is worship.  We can ask for forgiveness or help and still not intend to give up our sin and be clean. This leper spoke his worship but even silent worship has a voice. The voice that moved the heart and hand of Jesus, said '“wash me clean”. “Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." Immediately his leprosy was cleansed” (Matthew 8:3).

Friends, if purity is the desire of our hearts, we will encounter Jesus consistently. We don’t have to wait for the worship moment but only come in faith to the feet of Him, whose whole purpose is to cleanse us. If you cry out to be clean, He will touch you immediately.