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The Best Part

Jesus headed out of Jerusalem and walked toward a small town called Bethany. It was one of His favourite places and we went there often to be with His friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus. It was a place where He could receive refreshing and support from friends.

Both women sat down to listen, but Martha left to create a wheat snack for the One who created a world. Martha listened but Mary listened longer! When Martha complained to Jesus that Mary was not helping, Jesus said, “But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen the best part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)

Every day there are tasks to complete and people to see, but they will never be the best they could be, until we have done the best part which is to sit and listen. Without the best part Martha lost perspective, put value on the wrong things and even tells God that He didn’t see things clearly! Mary’s problem was that she was “too useful”! Being passive is not a virtue in the world or even in the kingdom of God but it is obvious wisdom, in the presence of Jesus. Your importance and what you can do, is zero compared with the importance of sitting with Jesus.

Mary on the other hand chose this best part. Another time she seemed to be wasteful in her worship. The ointment she poured on Jesus' feet was expensive and wiping His feet with her hair was shocking. Worship is not measurable by time or actions and may be costly to our pride. Worship that isn’t wasteful, probably isn’t really worship.

Friend, Jesus is still looking for Bethany types of places. Let us create a Bethany and sit at His feet. We often cannot control the things that happen in our lives each day, but we can create and enjoy the best part of every day.