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Just a Whisper

Elijah was deep in the cave when he heard the sound of four tremendous manifestations of Gods’ presence.  God passed by just like Elijah had hoped, as he thought about when Moses met with God. Then came a wind with nuclear like energy. The greatest wind that has ever swept the earth. This wind parted rocks and split granite with its power. It was frightening!  Then there was an earthquake, followed by fire falling from heaven which blackened and melted the rocks with heat, but Gods voice was not in these things.

Although all of those manifestations of Gods power could break things, shake thing and burn things, they could not build things or restore prophets. The most powerful of all of God manifestations is His voice, the Word of the God.  By His voice He creates worlds, brings forth hail, raises up governments and hospitals and causes small babies and churches to be birthed. Only the Word of God can bring health, hope and purpose.

Friends, are you in a cave hoping for a wildly visible and noisy manifestation, but have heard nothing? Of course God wants to bring you His rushing wind, and the fire and shake the place you are in, but no one shouts when they are seeking intimacy with another. A whisper is all we need.  He whispers so we have to draw closer. Can you hear His still small voice? Let the wind and the fire do its work but when you hear His voice, it will build you up, heal your heart, and give you a fresh commision to leave the cave with purpose.