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The tribes of Israel had been immature in the wilderness. God did it all for them but in the Promised Land they had to grow up. (Joshua 5:10 -12).No more manna; they had to plant their own gardens, till their land and draw their own water. They had to take responsibility. We are responsible for the condition of our life and heart. If our soul is negative, we are responsible. If we are bound up in poverty thinking we are responsible. We cannot blame our father, our wife or husband or the government. You and I are responsible and accountable for our own condition and debts. Mature people who souls are prospering, take responsibility for their lives. Till they do they will be stuck for ever. While their life is someone else fault, they are stuck thinking they can never change till that other person changes.

 God wants us to grow up. Children may need someone to care for them, but mature people can not only look after the selves but others as well.  Derek Prince said, “Maturity is measured by how much of others weaknesses’ you can bear.”  If you can’t read your own bible, pray you own prayers, spend time with God and encourage yourself in the Lord when you are down, you’re still living in the wilderness.

Friend, we are not made for wilderness living. Some believers make a career out of being wilderness believers, spending their whole life on crutches instead of getting healthy. But healthy people take responsibility for themselves and even for others.