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What on Earth is Happening -Abortion

New Zealand now has the shameful distinction of having the most liberal abortion laws in the whole world. In the shadow of the approaching pandemic, the left pushed through laws allowing unborn babies from 20 weeks to full term to be killed. How will they do this? Surely not the grotesque partial-birth procedure method, in which the baby is spiked in the head and killed in the process of delivery. Even the American courts call that infanticide or murder. And now in New Zealand, if a baby survives an intended abortion, it can be allowed to die by neglecting its needs. This is intolerable.
Justice Minister Andrew Little said, "Abortion is the only medical procedure that is still a crime in New Zealand.” His rhetoric treats children like a cancerous growth to be removed. He continues, "A woman has the right to choose what happens to her body,” ignoring the fact that it is not the mother’s body that is being terminated. Surely before the mother becomes pregnant, is the right time to choose what happens to her body. Under the new amendments, unborn and new-born children with defects, can also be killed. This is the law of the jungle-the survival of the fittest!
Sixty-one votes to fifty-seven votes, makes it clear that the left block, pushed the outcome of their evolutionary ideology, onto the nation. Their conclusion is based on their belief that people are mere animals with no unique value and that the more powerful of the species have the right to exterminate the weak. Any ministers of Government who conceitedly say they know for sure God doesn’t exist, should at least thank their evolutionary stars, that they are were allowed to live, because no government or parent would ever have passed this law during the era that they were born.
While Muslims and transgender people are us, it is clear that unborn children, are not! It is sadly ironic that the socialist left, who say they promote the rights of women and the vulnerable, have removed the most basic right of every human being: the right t0 be born.
In contrast, our Great Creator values every child and has destiny for each unborn child. (Genesis 25:22). God told Jeremiah, that he was planned and had a divine purpose even before he was conceived. (Jeremiah 1:5). God makes specific mention that He detests the sacrifice of children. (Jeremiah 32:35 and Psalm 106: 37-38),
Jesus didn’t specifically mention abortion but neither did He mention methamphetamines, atomic bombs and other modern instruments of crime and harm, but His perfect Divine nature is always against everything that destroys the dignity and health of people.
Jesus was only conceived less than a month, when Elizabeth called Mary the Mother of the Lord. So, Jesus was Lord from conception, not just from birth! (Luke 1.45). Jesus knew that He himself, His cousin John, and by extension all people, are valuable and have a unique purpose from God, well before they are born.
I admit life can be complex. I probably can’t fully understand the pressure some woman feel due to an unplanned pregnancy, and we should do all we can to help them. I’m glad mothers that have had abortion for any reason, can find complete forgiveness and peace with God through Christ. I’m glad unborn children will go to heaven. I’m glad that Jesus died to save all types of sinners, whether abortion doctors, politicians, teachers, preachers or popes.
Jesus who had the right to ignore us, valued people so much that He even gave up His life to save us. So, I can’t understand how any human being, can believe they have the right to decide that another human doesn’t even deserve to be born?