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Come into the Ark

Noah and his family went out of the city each day to build the Ark, and for a start, interested spectators and curious relatives gathered. They doubted that their son, nephew or neighbor had heard from God. The family worked for many decades until the huge boat was finished. The crowds had long gone before the sky grew darker. Things were about to change. Noah had been warned by God of things coming on the earth that had never been seen or experienced before. He was moved with fear and built the ark with his own hands, finally covering it inside and out with pitch. God then invited Noah to come inside and dwell with Him in the Ark. 

Today before the global threats arrive, God has provided an Ark for the world, built without hands. The Lord Jesus Christ. We need only to look to Him and enter in by faith. Once inside we can adore and worship the One who presence comes close to comfort and to strengthen. We can lift up our voices and hands to Him each day in our homes and hearts in prayer, praise and obedience. As we enter the “ark of His promises” and declare the protection of His atoning covering over us and our family, we dwell in the secret place of the Most High. As we abide under the shadow of the Almighty, we experience dwelling in Him and Him dwelling with us. If we build it, He will come.

But this Ark is not just for us, but for all. The blind, the mockers, the careless and the ready; all in the city that will call upon the Lord. As we declare His power to save and proclaim His greatness, we point the community toward the Ark. Let the vessel of salvation (the Lord Jesus Christ) be raised higher than all other names in the city.  As we brag on Him and pray for the people of the city, the Ark rises higher as a beacon of hope and deliverance, in the midst of the growing darkness.

As Jesus, The Door lowered Himself to earth to save us, let the gospel door of salvation be opened and lowered to welcome all.  Not all will come, many will not “see” it and some may mock us. But we ignore the crowds and look for the approval of One. Noah and his family weren't the majority, but He was only considered an idiot until it began to rain.

Friends, two things bring joy to our Father: When He can find a dwelling place in us and when people find their dwelling place in Him.