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It was hard for Gods people to sing the songs of Zion by the rivers of Babylon. But after years of captivity in a strange land, God encourages them that they would soon return to their beloved Jerusalem.  The prophet brought them hope from heaven in the midst of their trials. “Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have chosen you in the furnace of affliction” (Isaiah 48:10).

They were selected and chosen in their troubles. Their new destiny was to be established though the fire - it always is.  God’s people are prepared and refined in the furnace. After the dross was removed, they returned to Jerusalem with Ezra.

Years later, three Hebrew boys told the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, they would not bow down and worship his image.  A one hundred percent gold statement, but it was the furnace that proved their words to be genuine and their faith to be truly golden. The king rejected them and the furnace raged, but the Forth Man was attracted to their faith. Through the fiery trial, God was testing heart attitudes, and bringing about their destiny. He always is.

We only have the character that we demonstrate under pressure.  We all make declarations in a time of peace that must be tested in a time of war. We declare allegiance but it is only displayed in crisis.  We only truly have the faith and the love that we hold through the fire.  

Friend, you too are chosen to become a vessel of honor and glory to Him, in these days.  But golden vessels in His temple, in which He can see His reflection, are not common nor easily made.  Hold on to Him in the midst of your furnace of affliction, for God is beginning to see His reflection in the gold!