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Weaker vessel?

Paul says that we have Gods treasure in earthen vessels.  The word for the vessel is “ostrakinos” meaning substandard and not fitting for an occasion.   This type of vessel was not usually seen in the better homes but used by the poor.  As time went by it come to mean, low grade and substandard.  What is important and interesting is that is the one time Peter refers to wives as vessels, he doesn't use that word meaning misfit or substandard.1Pe 3:7  Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. No, he uses the Greek word  “skeuo” which is the word for fine china, not an old pot.  Your wife is like fine china so treat her gently in honour and great carefulness in every situation.   To give honour really means treat as treasured and highly valued at all times.  The idea here about the vessel being weaker is not inferior, but rather it means fragile in the sense of an expensive piece of ceramic. She is not the pot in the garden shed; she is the vase of beauty that is protected from all the grandkids lest it is damaged!  It means to not put her down or make jokes about her in front of people. No pointing out her faults in front of others.  Or dishonouring in front of the children. Not comparing her to other vessels and remembering her special days.   Why? because that is an honour.  Honour is revealed by your seeking to bring pleasure to another. Honour is the best predictor of your marriages future success.