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History or Destiny

Gideon was bent over at the threshing floor when he heard a voice he never recognised. It was instantly fearful and compelling at the same time. The angel of the Lord called him a mighty man of valour and commissioned him to save Israel from the Midianites. He was shocked - but God can see in us things we can’t see in ourselves.

Too many people are sabotaged by their past or undermined by their own concept of themselves. People will either be tied to their history or to their destiny. They drag around with them, the scars, pain, disappointments and bondages of their past or family of origin. Many could rightly say “I didn’t have a good father, I never had the right education, I had the wrong friends or I’m like this because of them and the past I had,” but Jesus is the way to get free. While we think someone else is the reason we are like the way we are, we will be stuck in our life till they change but when we take responsibility for our life as it is we will be able to change it.
Friend, Jesus has made a way for us to be healed of our broken hearts and broken past. We can be freed from every captivity and snare the devil; free from our history and moving toward our destiny. The past can’t affect your future unless you let it, so don’t let it!