New Creation

What a blessing children are and what a miracle birth is. In the weeks following, they will begin to recognize their parent’s faces. They look up and because they are content with the sight of their father’s familiar face, they feel that all is well in their world.  A child’s identity is related to their father and mother.  Identity is about, who we are, who we are related to and the value we have to them. 

Our identity first comes by seeing our father’s approval in his loving face, as we were growing up.  The images in our hearts and minds, of his smile, encouragement and love, even when we failed, stamped us with inner security and worth, giving us the strength to live life courageously.  This is important as our identity will always express itself.  If you are a postman, you do things that postmen do. If you are a policeman, you act like a policeman.  And even if you think you are a policeman and you are not really a policeman; you still act like one! If we feel we are worthless we may begin to do worthless things or crave the approval of others to validate ourselves in some way.

 As we see God our Father’s face and His love for us in the Word, we develop a new identity that will determine what we do and what we act like. When we know He has declared us to be His holy children, we can more easily live as we want. When we know we are accepted by Him we are more able to live acceptably.

Friend, our Father has revealed Himself to us in Jesus and He wants us to look into the realm of Spirit and see His look of love and approval.

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Growing PersonallyJIM Shaw
Idolatry and anger

Some anger is caused because our goals and possessions have become idolatrous. Bill Gothard said it is because we haven’t yielded our rights. Think about that. If we get angry because another has wrecked our coat, it's because we never yielded that coat up to God; we saw it as our own and not belonging to God.

When we are angry at a person for not doing what we wanted them to do, its sinful because anger says you believe that this person is in charge of your future and life. Somehow you believe that they are determining what you can be. That their cooperation is key to your life becoming happy and successful. No, your life and fulfillment is not determined by anyone else but you and God. Whose goals in life are you pursuing; whose will do we want to do? |If God gave you the goal, no one can stop it.

And here is the one goal God has for all of us.... to be conformed to the image of Jesus. So traffic jams, screaming kids, etc are all working toward His goals as we need to develop patience and character. That is why the lady Elizabeth young wrote disappointments are his appointments!

Friend, when our goals become more important than His goals, it is an idol and we will tend to become angry!

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Growing Personallyjim
Clear conscience

In the garden, Adam became conscious of himself instead of God. His conscience was ignited. Shame became a reality for the first time. “I’ve not done right; I made a mistake there, I messed up. I’m embarrassed by that. Satan awakened the knowledge of good and evil -that was good that was bad. And while we are dealing with the conscience (that was good or bad) we are far from the tree of Life. After the confession of our sin, we have a clear conscience with God and with men.
When we receive Life from Him, we leave Gods presence with joy, direction, confidence, and authority. So Satan tries to keep us from Life in God's presence by bringing an accusation to us whenever we approach Gods presence. His favorite weapon is an accusation
Jesus said “I come that you might have life, but Satan comes only to steal and destroy. To rob, steal and destroy what? Life! Those precious, holy, inspiring moments when God speaks to our spirit. He comes to rob that life!
Maybe this week you have been robbed by condemnation but it won’t be your conscience accusing you any longer - It is only the devil.
Heb 9:14 how much more will the blood of the Messiah, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from dead actions so that we may serve the living God!
Christ has purged our conscience from an evil conscience. We are to be only conscious of God now. Satan seeks to deceive us into thinking we should be still conscious of our past struggles.
Friend our conscience is purged of all the past dead works of the flesh we have done. We are not conscious of ourselves but conscious of Him. We are no longer sin conscious but Son conscious.

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God forgets sins

God forgives and He forgets. God's forgiveness is full, it's free and it's final.

I will remember sin no more, for I will be merciful regarding their wrong deeds, and I will never again remember their sins." Hebrews 8:12

Satan wants us remembering and feeling bad about the sin which God does not even remember. God is over it. He's moved on- it’s a new day. He only has mercy for you today, no thoughts of yesterday, He does not remember past mistakes and failures. As distant as the east is from the west, that is how far He has removed our sins from us. Psalms 103:12

God has dealt with our sin and our shame. Oftentimes we confess sins and we believe we are forgiven but we still feel some sense of shame. Shame hangs over us like a cloud. Many times we know we are forgiven but we don't feel cleansed. That feeling of failure and unworthiness Satan will seek to exploit. Regrets can be about what you think of your past. But God has made provision for not only our guilt but our shame too. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1Jn 1:9

God only sees our failures as a lesson. A lesson in Love!. When Jonah failed God in his mission to Nineveh, the lesson God wanted him to learn was the lesson of love. When the gourd grew overhead then died, Jonah was miserable for himself, but Gods point was - shouldn’t I have had compassion on these people? Jonah couldn’t be a success until he learned to love like God.

When Peter failed three times, Jesus asked him “do you love me?” three times. The declaration of love was necessary to undo the sense of failure. When Peter was asked to feed the sheep it was to show love. The essence of success is love.
Friend failure is only ever a failure if the lesson of God love for us and others is not learned. Love never fails and love re-stores failure.

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All the same

You are no different from everybody else in the world. The devil will tell you that your sins are worse, and your mistakes are unique. That nobody else has ever had those terrible thoughts, but friend your struggles are the same as everybody else’s. Your critical thoughts about others or about sex have all been thought before, and God knew all of this before He chose you.

God never looks at people as failures, only learners. God uses failure to reveal Himself as a God of steadfast love. How else can you reveal yourself to your wife as a forgiving, loving, kind, patient person until she disappoints you, annoys you, or opposes you? You can't. This is why the angels don't preach. They can't sing the song of the redeemed. But we can -we know what it is like to be forgiven.

Through our failure, God is teaching us of His steadfast love. He is not saying we should fail or try to fail but He knows we will. Think of the story of a woman caught in adultery. What amazes you the failure of the lady? No the beauty of Jesus!

In the parable of the two debtors, one man owed 50 dollars to the man who owed 5 million dollars to a third man. The third man forgave the debt of 5 million but the forgiven man still went out and demanded the 50 dollars from the man who owed him such a small amount. Jesus said that He expected the behaviour of the 5 million dollar debtor, to be changed by the love and compassion that he had been shown. In the same way, God shows steadfast love and forgiveness to us so it will produce the same characteristic in us. If we are not able to rejoice and receive his full forgiveness and release from guilt, we don’t become people of graciousness and mercy towards others.

Friend, God uses our failures to demonstrate his continuing heartfelt grace and love toward us.

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Gods Faithfulness

God’s love never fails and his mercy never runs dry. God loves you with an everlasting and steadfast love. He loved us when we were sinners and nothing has changed. If He loved you then, He must love you more now that you are His child.

Deut 7:9 Be certain, then, that the Lord your God is God; whose faith and mercy are unchanging, who keeps His word through a thousand generations to those who have love for him and keep His laws;

Mercy is a more common word in the Old Testament than love, but it means the same so it is usually translated loving-kindness. Or covenant mercies - kheh'-sed from the Hebrew means kindness; loving-kindness, mercy, pity. Mercy is the motivation in Gods' heart that makes Him good toward men and leads Him to offer covenants to relieve man’s misery. Mercy is the core of His being.

Ps 136, Says God lays out the heavens because of His mercy. God also made covenants because of His mercy. Everything waits on His mercy.

Deuteronomy 7.6 says that God delivers men because of His covenant mercy and His mercy leads people to repentance. Preaching the mercy of God does not make people sin more but it creates a response and a desire to please Him.

“Solomon said, “O Jehovah, the God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on the earth beneath; who keeps covenant and loving kindness with thy servants, that walk before thee with all their heart” 1Ki 8:23

Friend, His mercy is not running out. The answer to shame and insecurity is to understand that the loving-kindness, steadfast love or the mercies of God are new every morning for you.

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In Genesis Adam and Eve are living in the garden enjoying the presence of God but they did not eat from the tree of life. There is a difference between being in His presence and receiving his Life. Life is our need. The life flowing from God is what the devil will try to keep us from. If he can keep us from receiving Life eventually he will deceive us to believe a lie and that eventually results in us being cast out of His presence.
If we are reconciled to God by his death, how much more should we be saved by His life? Romans 5.9.
We can live in the shadow of His death and still not feast at the table of life! The life is in Him. It is only Life that swallows up the death that works in us; His life is where the power and life is!
The devil will seek to keep you from drawing from his Life! Satan loves to bring to your attention and Gods, all of your past failures and sins; accusing us that we are not worthy to be in God's presence or that God will not listen to us. “You have sinned too much, God is sick of you. It’s just too much for Him to forgive now. He not going to help you and He is very angry with you. He is too holy to help you or even listen to you.” Accusations!

Friend, in the last days of the glorious church, Satan will no longer be able to accuse the church for two reasons: One, the church trusts in the righteous garments provided by Father, fully overcoming the devil's accusations and secondly they will have learned to draw from the Holy Spirits power, to live powerful, disciplined, Spirit-led lives with nothing left to accuse.

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Fruit of Repentance

The degree of our repentance will determine the degree of supernatural life that God can invade your life with. Paul tells us what true repentance looks like.

2Co 7:10 For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.

2Co 7:11 For observe this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: What diligence it produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what vehement desire, what zeal, what vindication! In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter.

When you have godly sorrow it will work in you:

Diligence; where we take up your sins one by one and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you have done to hurt your own life, the life of others and most of all, the Living God. If need be, make a list.

Repentance means that we will want to clear ourselves; where we ask God to help us be absolutely honest and real. Let nothing remain hidden in the heart and remove it from yourself thoroughly.

It means indignation, where we allow the Holy Spirit to help us to first see and convict us of sin, then to hate and forsake our sin. Also fear, as if the list of your behaviors will be read out by God on judgment day and Zeal, where you have an intensely strong passion for making things right.

Finally to repent means, Revenge, where we take some kind of destructive action towards a representation of your wrong. Break or burn it or make restitution.

Friend, repentance is Christ’s keyword to all people in the Gospels and still to the Church. “Remember therefore from whence you are fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come to you quickly, and will remove your candlestick out of his place, except you repent.” Revelation 2:5

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The Crossing

The disciples were worried but safe. Still the water was in the boat. It doesn’t say in the story but somehow they got the water out of their boat and got to the other side.
Jesus said “Let us cross over.” And He will take His church across the sea of life no matter how big the storm. We will get to the other side. Jesus started this trip and he will finish it.
He accepts responsibility for your finishing while you are with him on His boat on his mission this is what He says. - I will build my church. - I will let no one snatch them out of my hand. - The gates of hell shall not prevail. - Having begun a good working you he shall perform it.

Friend, this is about reaching the other side. Getting through life and finishing the race. God intends we cross over the sea of life and finish life well. He is committed to getting us over. Our faith just needs to be in His ability to keep us not in our ability to hold on.

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Getting over failure

A number of years ago I was in a worship time and I heard a voice speak to me to do something with was not bad in any way but I just wasn’t sure it was God. Initially, because I heard this voice in the worship time, I thought it must be God. However it didn't sound like Him and I'd never heard a voice like that before, so I wasn’t sure. If it hadn’t of been a good thing it was suggesting, I would have dismissed it straight away. I was confused and then condemned as I struggle to reconcile who had spoken. If it was the devil, I would never do it but if it was God and I don’t do it, I could lose His blessing because of disobedience.

I decided it was the devil and still fought condemnation for some time. Part of the problem was I didn’t think that the devil could just turn up in the presence of God like that, when I was worshipping God. I guess I should have twigged but have since then I’ve discovered that he often turns up in God’s presence to condemn.

In the book of Zachariah 3, Joshua the High Priest is standing before the Lord and Satan was standing at his right hand to oppose him. There is Satan right in the presence of God. Right when God is speaking to you and wanting to bless you and speak to you the devil is accusing you. We might come into the presence of God to hear and to receive life but many times there is a battle that first must be won. The battle to hear the Lords voice, over the enemy's voice. “You’re not worthy of blessing; God has nothing to say to you; you’ll have to much better that that, if you expect God to really love you.”

But v4 God speaks above the accusation, “See I have removed your iniquity from you and I will clothe on with rich robes of my righteousness”

And friend, our Fathers word, is the final word.

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Sex and the City

Years ago I saw the film “It’s a Mad Mad mad mad World and Terry Thomas who was playing an English botanist said in it “it seems to me that the Americans are preoccupied with bosoms.” And it is probably a fair comment.

If a Martian were to visit the earth and look the culture on earth they would have to go back and say they are preoccupied with sex. Nearly everything they watch on TV, nearly every movie, book and magazines, nearly everything thing they sing about and talk about is sex. Sex in the morning, sex in the evening and sex at supper time. From watching the TV and papers it seems that you can’t sell a toothbrush without a woman, or eat butter without an affair. The fascination for sex has filled the earth. Sex has become a religion. Our media and homes are awash with immorality and it crashes on the church and foams its alluring spray over the people of God. I believe it is one of the strong demon spirits that the people of God need to overcome personally and in our city.

When people stop worshipping the creator they will automatically begin to worship the creation. God’s highest creation was the man. Mankind was His greatest work; it was the best that he could make. The Bible says the man was made in the image of God. There is something God-like; something awesome about the human person. In fact, when a man sees his wife naked the feeling he feels is nothing short of awe and wonder. Throughout the centuries more paintings have been made of people, than anything else. God creation is awesome, it is wonderful but it is still just Gods creation and when people fall from worshipping God they easily fall to the worship of the body. The body is not evil; it is a gift from God but it is now affected by the fall. That means it’s bent toward selfishness and wants to be gratified.

Friend, God never designed the body to be in charge but it was designed to be the servant of our spirit and souls. The body is to be governed by the Holy Spirit through our will. When the Holy Spirit is not in control, the body will seek to run rampant over even our conscience.

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The Divine Purposejim
Work is not our idol or our identity

In the early days, secular work was seen as a lesser calling, but somehow now it has been reversed - work is now the new idol tackled with religious devotion. Work is not meant to be the goal; it is meant to the goal, which is to find fulfilment in serving others and glorifying God. Lately, what used to be work ethic, morphed into idolatry. Work has become God. People are offering their lives to work - sacrificing the family and health on the altar of the corporation. Service becomes a human achievement. Divine calling became a personal career. Fulfilment from feeling accepted by God now comes from the degree of success at work. Work becomes everything for the wrong reasons and motivation is everything.

When work becomes addictive or a buzz so you have to do more of it, we are beginning to define our identity by it to gain our sense of worth from it.

The reason we live and work is all-important. It defines our growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The boss wants more and more time; the family is seeing less and less so there is no time for ministry at the church. Soon Sunday is a recovery day and people cease to live as Christians.

Friend, it’s about balance. There is a vital ministry in the market place but there is to be a vital ministry in the family of God too.

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The other 6 days

In the old days, it was said that ministry was a special calling and if you want to do really serious work for God, you must go in that direction.

This sort of thinking, can affect our young people who believe that one day they'll be able to serve God. May be they don’t need to get an education and perhaps we don’t need to excel at work -just bum around till you get into the "real ministry." Do you know that the number of people applying to become missionary’s, follow the unemployment graph!

Spurgeon said to his students, “If you can be happy being a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher and business men then do it, for God is not calling you, ministry is just a nice idea to you.”

There is the effectual call of Christ where were saved and called to a lifestyle holiness; then there is the providential call in which you find yourself, like in your present job; the call to ministry and use of you gifts and the heart call. The thing you really want to do, maybe you want to be an engineer, where you would enjoy deep gladness and meet one of the world’s deep needs.
Friend, God is coming to widows and farmers to help them succeed. He knows about matchmaking, crop growing, administration and even prison work! Talk to Him about your work too!

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Sometimes we pray like this Father as we gather at church meetings- Lord, help us to leave behind the hurly-burly of the world as we come together now to do your work in this place.

What does that tell our people? That they are nothing till Sunday? That they have no value all week till Sunday or home group and they can get to do some of Gods work? No! At the office, you are the minister there. Your work is your ministry.

Throughout history, there came a division probably unintentionally between those doing full-time church work and the rest. There was the sacred word and secular work and sometimes we still use that division. It elevated the spiritual ministry above other jobs. Calvin reclaimed work not as secular but spiritual and holy. Calvin said, “your work is your ministry, so serve God in it.” Your call and vocation are the same.

God is a worker and it’s part of Gods nature to work. God is a worker and if we want to be like Him we will be a worker. Some religions have Gods that live a life of self-indulgent pleasure and revelry. God is never represented sleeping it the Bible. He is running, sitting, standing, and being a farmer, a potter, a weaver, gardener or shepherd but never a sleeper. God is a worker it is part of Gods character to work. He expends energy in the service of others; it fulfils Him and He says it’s very good. Everything that He does benefits others and for his own glory.

Friend, John Stott said, “Work is expending energy in the service of others bringing fulfilment to the worker, benefit to the community and glory to God.”

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Peace making

Out of all the religions of the world; all the sages, human leaders, priests and poets of all religion, the only people that are bringing people into peace with God are the disciples of Jesus Christ.

No one else has that message. Disciples of Jesus Christ hate contention and discord. If you promote peace in your home, church, and world, God will call you his kid.

Believes can continue talking without being contentious, disagree without being disagreeable and confront without being abusive. They seek to not give offence but live kindly. They will not take offence but love and live in harmony rather than take offence. They will gently seek to build bridges between those who have been separated. They sow peace not strife and they cover others sin to not separate other. They don’t whisper or gossip and they don’t try to make other people look bad to someone else.

They are not as Pharisees, who think they are now better than others but are like beggars telling other beggars where they can find bread.

The church preaches peace through Jesus Christ. That Jesus loves them and wants them to find peace with God through Him. He wants to help people find inner peace and peace with others.
Friend be a peacemaker. When you leave are people more at peace than they were. Do people call you a trouble maker or a peacemaker?

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Jesus our Inheritance

The land before them stretched out as far the eye could see. God had called the Promised Land, their inheritance and they were to make sure the inheritance was not lost or given away but handed on to the children. In the New Testament Pauls basic theology is receive Jesus Christ and you will become a child eligible for part of His inheritance, or to be come co heirs. All that God has given to us in Christ, is our inheritance. Every blessing we are given; the Holy Spirit, peace with God, every privilege we enjoy, every right we are given in the name of Jesus, every benefit we receive such as salvation forgiveness and atonement are our wonderful inheritance in Jesus.

Friend, every state we enjoy now and for eternity. This is the inheritance God has given His New Creation family. It is complete in Jesus. He has paid the price so fully, that He could enter in to heaven and take a seat.

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw
Peace at Last

Men are without peace because they are without God, the source of peace. Jesus came to bring us near to God through his blood. The Bible says He is our Peace. Ephesians 2. 13.

When a little boy sees his parents arguing he tries to drag the two of them together, seeking to join up their hands. That's what Jesus came to do.

It is hard to describe the peace of God we feel. It is that deep down serenity and peacefulness inside, us even though outside there can be a raging storm. Waves can be 40 feet high whipped by tornadoes but oceanographers tell us that right at the bottom of the deepest part of the sea, the water is absolutely still. That's the deep peace you feel in the midst of life struggles when you have Jesus in your heart.

As believers, we can listen to His promises that keep us in peace within our mind. We are the children of God, and we need to think like it all the time. God is with me, God loves me, and God is for me and watching over me. He’s leading me, guiding me and all things are working out for good because I love the Lord. No weapon formed against me will prosper because I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I’m the son of God.

Friend, we can learn a new way of thinking, by reading, marking and memorizing the Bible. This is your new way of living and thinking.

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Use it

Before Dad died he gave me his shot gun and after he died I ended up with all his tools among other treasured blessings. A righteous man leaves an inheritance for his children. It may be money but hopefully a legacy of values. An inheritance is sometimes left to you when your relative dies. The bible is big on inheritances. You are meant to leave one to your kids and God the ultimate Father has laid up an inheritance for you; all the riches that are in Christ. One day some KGB stopped some Russian believers who were on their way to church. They didn’t want lie, so they said “Our elder brother has died and we are on the way to the reading of the will.” That is a great description of Church meetings. Jesus died and there is an inheritance been left to you. Today some parents don’t hand on an inheritance because they think the kids are going to use the inheritance frivolously. The reason some of the old money families have wealth, is because they trained the children how to use money and when the inheritance was left, the kids were able to maintain the wealth and increase it for the next generation.

Friend, an inheritance is a trust for future generations as they too carry on the work of the fathers business and values. Carry on His work for He has left you the recourses.

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God has made us new creations in Christ Jesus. A new type of being and we are called to bear the image of God as His children. Only His workmanship and sons, can do the new creation works He planned. His work can’t be done by flesh from the natural world but He has birthed a group of family members who dwell in the kingdom of heaven that can do the work of God. Like he did for Elisha, God opens our eyes to see into that realm. We are in the spirit. We are able to act in both worlds; we are in the world but we are not if it. We are created to do what God would do and even to behave like Jesus would behave. The new man is created in true righteousness and holiness. Putting on the new man is “putting on” the thinking that allows us our New Creation spirit man, to manifest in the natural realm.

Friend, you are an over-comer. You were born an overcomer and that means you can overcome the world. Though it is against us, you can over-come it.

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Paul had the attitude that we should press after God; to run the race and to fight the good fight of faith. It sounds like we are to be striving and exerting a lot of energy to reach for and win the prize but surely it is not striving in our own human effort. It is not fighting human battles and it is not running a physical road race with strenuous self effort. It is a fight and a race against the self that we were, compared the self we can be, by pressing in to receive grace from God.

The more grace you can receive, the greater success as a believer you will be. Grace gets inside us and changes us from the inside. It grows in you, strengthens you and lifts you up. Grace can bring you out and get you over and that Grace came by Jesus. Moses gave the law because man can only bring law; it takes God to bring Grace. If you look to yourself or to human help, at its best it can only be law. You will do things because its right and we rely on our strength to overcome. Moses went down to deliver the people and to bring them up to their inheritance in the Promised Land, but they couldn’t go in. God gave then the law, but never helped them to enter in. They kept breaking the law and suffering judgment.

Friend our deliverer Jesus has come down from heaven to rescue us and has given us something that will enable us to go into our inheritance. It’s called grace.

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