Jim Shaw Ministries is a not for profit ministry and is made possible by the generous giving of churches, friends and partners. We greatly appreciate your support whether it be prayer, encouragement or finances. All your donations are deposited in to Manukau New Life Church accounts and used exclusively for their mission and ministry. Jim Shaw ministries is accountable to the trust board. We expect your tithes to be given to your own local church. All donations originating in new Zealand, that are deposited into the Shaw Ministry Account at Manukau New Life Church, will be sent a receipt for tax rebate purposes. It’s easy if you use the DONATE button but the fees are high. Internet banking below is better for us.
Note: Our website is set up for one off gifts. If you would prefer to give monthly, would you please check in each month or use Internet banking.
Giving by Internet Banking.
If you prefer to use internet banking or would like to set up a regular payments please use these details.
Manukau New Life : 02-0358-0172878-12 Reference: Shaw Min.
Details for those outside New Zealand
Bank: Bank of new Zealand
Account name: Manukau New Life
BSB: 02-0358
Account number: -0172878-12
SWIFT code: is BKNZNZ22
Address: "182 Great South Rd Manurewa 2102, Auckland"
Belgium 2018