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Jim and Anneke were David and Margaret McCrackens assistant pastors for seven years, before they took over as Senior pastors of Manukau New Life Church, in 1989. After 27 years as Senior pastors they handed over the leadership of the church to Stephen and Susan Miller. Jim has a Masters degree in Christian Studies majoring in Leadership. As a member of the New life Church executive team for the last 20 years, Jim is responsible for the New Life pastors training program in New Zealand called "Unleashed." Jim has written several books and has widely followed blog sight called “Insight”. Jim and Anneke are still accountable to David McCrackens apostolic oversight.
They have for many years ministered in Asia mostly in India and in Europe. In New Zealand Jim is on the Board of a couple of new Church plants and they love to meet with pastors and leaders in New Zealand, to provide, coaching, supervision, and to help them overcome their ministry and life challenges. They have three adult children and 6 grand children and are blessed to have them all live close by. Jim and Anneke’s home church remains Manukau New Life Church and are credentialed ministers with New life Churches New Zealand.
In the year 2000 at their Annual mission’s Conference, Des Short from Faith Bible College prophesied over them from Isaiah 49:2 “And He has made My mouth like a sharp sword; In the shadow of His hand He has hidden Me, And made Me a polished shaft; In His quiver He has hidden Me”. At the end of 2018 they were released from Manukau New Life Church into full time missions and itinerant ministry. They believe that church corporate worship should bring a prophetic presence that allows encounter. They believe in the transforming power of the Word of God to revolutionize mindsets, spawn ministries and bring the Church to maturity. They believe that the Church is Gods Eternal purpose and every member is an ambassador with a commission to bless the world.
Their full statement of faith can be found on the New Life Churches website below.
“I first met Jim Shaw at a New Life Pastors Conference in 1993. When I reflect now, it’s the message, example and love of Ps Jim that has kept me going in tough times. Not only has he been a guide and spiritual father but has invested continually into our lives and into the people of Living Well Church. Pastor Jim is a Ministry coach, a consultant, a teacher and mentor to many. We have him annually preach in our church as an Apostolic voice and teacher. I recommend Ps Jim to you, not only will you be blessed through his ministry, but like us, you’ll be receiving a Father in the Faith”
“After 40 years of watching Jim having to respond to a myriad of different challenges (personal and ministry) and seeing his heart, attitudes and responses to people and towards God, I am left with this conclusion. This is a man of unshakeable faith, immovable loyalty, unrelenting devotion, impregnable integrity and a single-minded pursuit of honouring God at all times. It is my privilege to know him as a friend and I will forever be grateful for the immeasurable value he has brought into my own life.”
“I have known Pastor Jim Shaw for many years. He is such a special man, in so many facets of life. A devoted husband and father. His integrity is evident to all who know him. His knowledge of The Word of God is so rich, and his ability to teach flows nicely. His books are well worth reading. Jim travels among the churches in the world, and is a blessing to all.”
Our journey from the back of the farm to the front of the Church began over 50 years ago when I encountered the Lord at a beach camp. Although I qualified in Civil engineering and Town planning, by the time I was 28, I was full time as David McCrackens assistant at Manukau New Life Church. It is amazing how people can indelibly impact your life. I’m thinking of Mr Ferguson a Sunday school teacher who fascinated me with the Bible as he taught on the red heifer. Apostle Rob Wheeler who said "God would inhabit the church with His glory when it is built according to the divine pattern of the Word of God”. Teacher Kevin Conner who captured my imagination for intimacy with Father, with his song "Between the wings of the cherubim I will meet with you." My friend and prophet David McCracken whose example and devotion deeply challenged and inspired me. And a prophet from the USA who ministered to us and declared that we were like master builders or architects with blue prints for the Church. From this we developed our vision statement “Church by Design” - Pursuing the Divine intention for people and Churches.
All these great people have confirmed the desires in our heart to strengthen and consult with local church leaders. Years ago when I was doing my Masters degree, one lecturer spoke about the concept of “convergence” where a person is able to eventually combine their experience, training, gifts and passion into their final purpose in the the kingdom of God. I left that meeting believing it was time to “converge” my 35 years pastoral experience (including a few physical church building projects) and a time of burnout 20 years ago, my training and 20 years on the National Executive of our movement, into a ministry to help leaders and Churches.
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