Posts in The Divine Purpose

In Genesis Adam and Eve are living in the garden enjoying the presence of God but they did not eat from the tree of life. There is a difference between being in His presence and receiving his Life. Life is our need. The life flowing from God is what the devil will try to keep us from. If he can keep us from receiving Life eventually he will deceive us to believe a lie and that eventually results in us being cast out of His presence.
If we are reconciled to God by his death, how much more should we be saved by His life? Romans 5.9.
We can live in the shadow of His death and still not feast at the table of life! The life is in Him. It is only Life that swallows up the death that works in us; His life is where the power and life is!
The devil will seek to keep you from drawing from his Life! Satan loves to bring to your attention and Gods, all of your past failures and sins; accusing us that we are not worthy to be in God's presence or that God will not listen to us. “You have sinned too much, God is sick of you. It’s just too much for Him to forgive now. He not going to help you and He is very angry with you. He is too holy to help you or even listen to you.” Accusations!

Friend, in the last days of the glorious church, Satan will no longer be able to accuse the church for two reasons: One, the church trusts in the righteous garments provided by Father, fully overcoming the devil's accusations and secondly they will have learned to draw from the Holy Spirits power, to live powerful, disciplined, Spirit-led lives with nothing left to accuse.

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Sex and the City

Years ago I saw the film “It’s a Mad Mad mad mad World and Terry Thomas who was playing an English botanist said in it “it seems to me that the Americans are preoccupied with bosoms.” And it is probably a fair comment.

If a Martian were to visit the earth and look the culture on earth they would have to go back and say they are preoccupied with sex. Nearly everything they watch on TV, nearly every movie, book and magazines, nearly everything thing they sing about and talk about is sex. Sex in the morning, sex in the evening and sex at supper time. From watching the TV and papers it seems that you can’t sell a toothbrush without a woman, or eat butter without an affair. The fascination for sex has filled the earth. Sex has become a religion. Our media and homes are awash with immorality and it crashes on the church and foams its alluring spray over the people of God. I believe it is one of the strong demon spirits that the people of God need to overcome personally and in our city.

When people stop worshipping the creator they will automatically begin to worship the creation. God’s highest creation was the man. Mankind was His greatest work; it was the best that he could make. The Bible says the man was made in the image of God. There is something God-like; something awesome about the human person. In fact, when a man sees his wife naked the feeling he feels is nothing short of awe and wonder. Throughout the centuries more paintings have been made of people, than anything else. God creation is awesome, it is wonderful but it is still just Gods creation and when people fall from worshipping God they easily fall to the worship of the body. The body is not evil; it is a gift from God but it is now affected by the fall. That means it’s bent toward selfishness and wants to be gratified.

Friend, God never designed the body to be in charge but it was designed to be the servant of our spirit and souls. The body is to be governed by the Holy Spirit through our will. When the Holy Spirit is not in control, the body will seek to run rampant over even our conscience.

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The Divine Purposejim