New Creation

What a blessing children are and what a miracle birth is. In the weeks following, they will begin to recognize their parent’s faces. They look up and because they are content with the sight of their father’s familiar face, they feel that all is well in their world.  A child’s identity is related to their father and mother.  Identity is about, who we are, who we are related to and the value we have to them. 

Our identity first comes by seeing our father’s approval in his loving face, as we were growing up.  The images in our hearts and minds, of his smile, encouragement and love, even when we failed, stamped us with inner security and worth, giving us the strength to live life courageously.  This is important as our identity will always express itself.  If you are a postman, you do things that postmen do. If you are a policeman, you act like a policeman.  And even if you think you are a policeman and you are not really a policeman; you still act like one! If we feel we are worthless we may begin to do worthless things or crave the approval of others to validate ourselves in some way.

 As we see God our Father’s face and His love for us in the Word, we develop a new identity that will determine what we do and what we act like. When we know He has declared us to be His holy children, we can more easily live as we want. When we know we are accepted by Him we are more able to live acceptably.

Friend, our Father has revealed Himself to us in Jesus and He wants us to look into the realm of Spirit and see His look of love and approval.

Growing PersonallyJIM Shaw