Posts in Growing Personally
New Creation

What a blessing children are and what a miracle birth is. In the weeks following, they will begin to recognize their parent’s faces. They look up and because they are content with the sight of their father’s familiar face, they feel that all is well in their world.  A child’s identity is related to their father and mother.  Identity is about, who we are, who we are related to and the value we have to them. 

Our identity first comes by seeing our father’s approval in his loving face, as we were growing up.  The images in our hearts and minds, of his smile, encouragement and love, even when we failed, stamped us with inner security and worth, giving us the strength to live life courageously.  This is important as our identity will always express itself.  If you are a postman, you do things that postmen do. If you are a policeman, you act like a policeman.  And even if you think you are a policeman and you are not really a policeman; you still act like one! If we feel we are worthless we may begin to do worthless things or crave the approval of others to validate ourselves in some way.

 As we see God our Father’s face and His love for us in the Word, we develop a new identity that will determine what we do and what we act like. When we know He has declared us to be His holy children, we can more easily live as we want. When we know we are accepted by Him we are more able to live acceptably.

Friend, our Father has revealed Himself to us in Jesus and He wants us to look into the realm of Spirit and see His look of love and approval.

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Growing PersonallyJIM Shaw
Idolatry and anger

Some anger is caused because our goals and possessions have become idolatrous. Bill Gothard said it is because we haven’t yielded our rights. Think about that. If we get angry because another has wrecked our coat, it's because we never yielded that coat up to God; we saw it as our own and not belonging to God.

When we are angry at a person for not doing what we wanted them to do, its sinful because anger says you believe that this person is in charge of your future and life. Somehow you believe that they are determining what you can be. That their cooperation is key to your life becoming happy and successful. No, your life and fulfillment is not determined by anyone else but you and God. Whose goals in life are you pursuing; whose will do we want to do? |If God gave you the goal, no one can stop it.

And here is the one goal God has for all of us.... to be conformed to the image of Jesus. So traffic jams, screaming kids, etc are all working toward His goals as we need to develop patience and character. That is why the lady Elizabeth young wrote disappointments are his appointments!

Friend, when our goals become more important than His goals, it is an idol and we will tend to become angry!

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Growing Personallyjim
Growing in the Lord

The old farmer walked home as the sun slowly set behind him. He was happy the seeds had been sown and with rain about to fall, there was nothing more to do but wait. God also wants us to grow from babies into fully mature sons of God but He knows that we can’t make ourselves grow up. If a parent said to his child to increase in height it would be impossible. Jesus said “consider the lilies of the field. They don’t toil or spin yet they are beautiful” He also said. “Which of you can by worry can add an inch to your height?’ In other words you cannot make yourself grow up. Only God can make you grow. The seed, the flower, the lily of the felid does nothing except receive. It just stays rooted in the ground or connected to the vine. Similarly the little baby, doesn’t try to grow; it just grows. The seeds DNA says grow and as long as it receives, it will grow. Be a hungry receiver!

Friend, receive the Word and the grace of God and the water of the Spirit and you will grow.

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Through the cross

Although the cross is central to our believing, when Paul says that we died with Christ on the cross, it seems a bit hard to grasp as we never literally hung on a cross. So what happened on that terrible day of suffering and how did we die? Five things transpired.

First the flesh was crucified or the old man was crucified. This referring to the old nature; our dead spirit that was cut of from God; this was brought to an end.

Also the world is crucified to us. In Galatians 6:14 he says: But may it never be that I should boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Christians can never belong to the world again - we are aliens here.

The law is taken away on the cross as it was "nailed to the cross.’ When a debt was paid, they would nail the notice of debt to the door of the debtor but written on it was paid in full.

On the cross the enmity between Jews and Gentiles (which covers everyone in the world), is removed. God has forever removed all class distinctions.

And of course as Isaiah says, we have peace with God because of what Christ did. We were once enemies of God, but through Christ we have been brought near (Ephesians 2:13). In other words, we have been reconciled to God through the cross (verse 16). It is a basic Christian belief that our relationship with God depends on the death of Jesus Christ.

Friend, the work of the cross is so great and so complete that now we are free from everything that we couldn’t be freed from, by the law.

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Give no place

The man goes to work wearing a suit and sits in the nice wood paneled room filled with expensive leather chairs. Nobody would guess that it is not his title or position that shape his life the most, but his heart.

It always will be, until he is healed and set free. He will always be affected in some way every day by his past. The father who committed adultery and left the home or the time when his friend died after he gave him too much to drink or the trip overseas when he visited a prostitute, nags away at his heart and the devil will keep him captive to that secret shame, till he is set free.

When there are unresolved or un-confessed issues in our life, it gives a place in our lives, for him to occupy areas in your life; it gives him a foothold and it may ultimately affect those in the family and around you. The devil prowls around seeking who he can devour. And the only way Satan gets a place and keeps a place in our lives is by places of brokenness and damage in our lives through our sin, or others sin or his lies about us or about others.
Friend, every person either looks back or looks forward. We are either more conscious of our past or more conscious of our future. And while our brokenness is not healed and the devil still has hooks into our life because of the wounds, we will be hindered in some measure to be able to go where Jesus wants to take us.

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Growing Personallyjim
Suffering of the Cross

It was necessary for the Messiah to die, but he couldn’t die in a painless way. He needed to suffer for our salvation. It was an essential part of Jesus’ ministry, and an essential part of the gospel. Jesus had predicted his own suffering and death, even his death on a cross. For the transgression of my people he was stricken.... Though he had done no violence ... it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer ... the Lord makes his life a guilt offering.... He will bear their iniquities.... He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. The cross allowed for suffering. Jesus even refused to speed up or dull the suffering with wine. On the cross he took the curse upon himself that was upon mankind. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. He was made sin for us and bore our curses so we could be righteous and blessed. Since we failed to keep the law perfectly, we fell under its curse and we all deserved death. Jesus, being sinless, did not need to die, but he willingly died for us. The righteous died for the unrighteous. He received death so that we might receive life.

Friend, it is through the cross that we can be given the blessing promised to Abraham. It is through the cross that we are reconciled to God. It is through the cross that God forgives our sins, taking away the written note of debt that was against us. Thank God for the One on the Cross!

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Blessed are the peace makers

We know God is on a peace mission. There was peace in the Garden of Eden, and history closes with peace in eternity, but soon after the man was created, peace was taken from the earth when man sinned. There has been trouble on earth ever since. There seems to be no economic peace, religious peace racial peace, social peace, family peace or personal peace on earth.

There are strikes, referendums rallies and riots. There are demonstrations and wars are multiplying: the need for peace has never been greater than today. God never forgot His plan for peace, so God ramped up his peace mission in Jesus Christ. When He was sent, the angels announced peace on earth and good will to men. And in this verse in Matthew, Jesus says whoever joins Him in this peace mission, will become a son of God or a daughter of God. The one blinding fact about this verse is that peace makers are blessed. Not the peace lovers, it’s not those who love peace that are blessed or called sons of God. Not the one that heads for the hill, buys a block of land in the county to get some quiet. It’s not the one that withdraws from confronting those that need it, but the peace makers.

Friend, we are peace makers when we confront the problem, seek to solve it and after the problems is solved, seek to build a bridge between those who were separated by the problem.

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Paul remembered standing on the heaving deck of the ship assuring the men that they would be saved even though the ship was to be wrecked upon the rocks. Aware of the perils of the sea, he warned Timothy about the spiritual perils of making a shipwreck of his faith. 1Tim 1.19 Hold on to faith and a good conscience. When our lives are in a great storm, we have to hold on to faith. Hold onto the promise of God- everything works for good for those who believe. If you have a direct word from God like Paul on the boat, declare it and believe it and even if you if you don’t have a word at present, we still have His written word which assures us of His unchanging character. Rom 8.29 When you run out of understanding of His will we can still run in peace as it surpasses understanding. Also we need to hold a good conscience. In many storms God uses other people and if we get bitter, angry or harbour evil thoughts people we can make a ship wreck too. We need to see them as the instrument of God for good. If we keep our hearts right God gives grace to the humble.

Friend, don’t take the treatment of other people personally; they are tools in God hands to develop our character and prepare us for our future.

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The guilty thief is pronounced not guilty and runs free from the court room. On the streets no one knew the judge was the thief's father. But the boy didn’t return home. Sad-Free but reconciled. We are not just freed and forgiven, we are reconciled to God. If we were only justified that would still leave us in dirty clothes cowering and uncertain although perhaps thankful for the goodness of the judge because He declares us holy and blameless. God is no longer a judge but He is our father and reconciliation is a family term. So we can talk to him relate to him share with him. He is your father. Not only are we reconciled to God but we are reconciled to men of Eph 2: 16 the Jews and Gentiles the most difficult people ever to get on together are now made one through the cross that are due a Gentile can become brothers any of us can become brothers and sisters through the cross. The Cross was the most shameful thing to happen to a person. They would die naked. It was the pits - they would cheer gladiators on the way to die. But never a crucified person. Now Paul was the opposite of the sophist and young rhetoricians of his day. He was old, dressed badly, poor and couldn’t speak that well. He said it is a miracle that the Corinthians listened or heard but it was God! Paul said for them to believe on the gospel is a miracle. I came with a ridiculous message, looking ridiculous to you but you changed it was a work of God.

Friend, the gospel is the power of God. it was then and it is now.

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Are you weak enough yet?

When God comes to Cain after he killed Able, Cain lied, “I don’t know where Able is! It was not me and I don’t know about it . People are healed when they take responsibility for their sin.

When God came to Adam in the garden after he had disobeyed there was no words of judgement - only inquiry "where are you ?" If Adam had of said I have sinned, please forgive me God would have done so.

It is a principle. If we confess our faults God forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

Adam blamed Eve. This is the Adamic nature; our fallen behavior and while we blame anyone but us, we cannot be healed.

Cain could have repented and been forgiven. David repented and found forgiveness. Paul repented of murder and found forgiveness.
Friend, trust in Gods unfailing mercy and forgiveness that is offered to everyone who repents and confesses their sin. Only faith will move you forward to your future and receive the cleansing you need. Don’t allow your future to be limited by the past and don’t let your past determine your future.

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Growing Personallyjim
Loving God

Elijah stumbled out of the cave into the sunlight to meet God but he was still disappointed. You could hear it in his voice. He had expected God to turn the nation around but all the people who were not on Carmel and certainly Jezebel seem unchanged. We know that if expectations aren’t met in marriage we can be prone to disappointment which brings about a loss of intimacy. If we feel God has disappointed us too, we can lose our sense of intimacy with God.  We love him but we feel disappointed by Him; let down by Him, even abandoned. Maybe you blame God for the actions of others or what happened to someone you care about. You may have prayed for something to happen in your life; stood in faith for the outcome but it has not happened yet or never happened and it hurt because we don’t understand. We reason, well I’m not going to trust Him again or put my faith out there again, and we take back part of our hearts from God. We think “I’m going to hold back some of my love or make a mental list of those things which God must do before we trust Him again. Friend, God has not changed but our perception of Him has.  We have to be able to say “Father I lay down all my conditions for you to fulfil, on the altar. I ask you to forgive me for allowing my heart to harden toward you. I have let things I don’t understand, cause me to withdraw my heart from you, but I chose to give my heart one hundred per cent to you again.

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Made for a Purpose

History tells us that Paul was a short man only 5 feet high, with beady eyes, a hooked nose, big eyebrows and bow legs.   Apparently, his eyesight was not good neither could he speak that well. Paul was bought up very religious and hated Christians.  He put them in jail and enjoyed seeing them killed.  It is strange that God chose Paul to be the greatest apostle and church planter among the Gentiles, but Paul came to see that God was using his weaknesses and past.  Later he says “I’m the chief of sinners, a pattern to all who believe after me. If God can forgive me you too can be forgiven by Jesus.”He was a strange choice for God to make a preacher. Maybe he asked many times for God to fix his eyes or his speech impediment so he could preach the gospel. But God said, “My grace is made perfect in your weakness.” So Paul said, “In that case, I will boast in my infirmities because when I am weak then God is strong.”Paul had skeletons in the closet in his past and possibly felt inferior about his looks but He came to see that God could work around that and even through it. Tonight friend, you can’t change your past but you can embrace your future by trusting that God has a plan to build you into the likeness of Jesus, including using your past present circumstances for His purposes.

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Where are you?

The sun was setting casting long shadows over the rocky hills around him but Elijah never noticed its beauty, as he poured out his heart in the quiet evening to God. He said “They have forsaken your altar your covenants!” but he meant God, you didn’t do anything, I’m doing my part but you don’t seem to be doing yours. This is your problem God. I can’t bring the whole nation back, so you should do something. Your God after all!” Elijah felt alone and unsupported. “What your asking Lord is just too hard!” He felt persecuted “This could cost me my life and I deserve better.” He was angry and disappointed at God. It was in his voice. Out of his mouth came the evidence of his heart condition. Elijah had let his expectations of God and his expectation of people, harden his heart toward God. He had taken offense at God. Elijah was asking questions of God and God was asking question of Elijah. They were just missing each other.

Friend when we take offense at God it hard to hear his voice It won’t be in the earth quake or the thunder storm. God may get our attention with something dramatic but only to tune us to His voice again

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The sun was setting behind the palace gardens as king Nebuchadnezzar walked along the balcony of his fine house. (Daniel 4) The prophets of Jehovah had told him that his royal authority would be lost if he didn’t stay humble. It was not long before he was eating grass and growing feathers.

God resists the proud and prospers the humble. The devil was in heaven until pride was found in him. He took the longest journey from heaven to hell because of pride.

In Acts12.22, the crowd had barely stopped chanting that Herod was a god before the man dropped dead and the worms began to eat him. God hates pride. Nothing is more horrible to God than pride. Nothing has the power to warp the human soul more than pride. Pride turned an archangel into a devil; imagine what it can do to us. Pride in the heart is what caused the fall of Lucifer and Adam and Eve. It is the grossest of sins and the hardest to eradicate from our lives.

Paul said that men would be proud in the last days. Pride means a high opinion of oneself; it means to appear above another; disdainful, or arrogant in the heart. (Mk 7.19)
Friend, as our chest swells with pride it really only demonstrates, that our intelligence and our hearts understanding of reality, has shrunken.

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Growing Personallyjim

God is compassionate and His compassion is based on his understanding of our frailty. He knows we are weak and prone to failure. It doesn't make our failures right; some will never be right but he does understand why we do things. People do things for reasons. C. S. Lewis said, “To a starving soldier, bad love is better than no love at all.”

We can understand why men go to pubs and why young men drink. It’s a religious feeling they get from drinking called transcendence. They feel there isn’t enough of themselves to be worth anything but when they drink, they feel bigger in the universe. We can understand it and so can Jesus. It doesn't make it right but then nothing is right outside of Jesus. Even a tee totalling Pharisee is not right outside of Jesus. Sometimes we beat ourselves because we don’t understand that salvation is not a “cure-all”; it doesn't remove our weakness so there is no longer any risk. There will always be a risk and some temptation; a bias toward sin, the pull will always be there while we live in the flesh. Though the power of sin is broken the penalty of sin is cancelled sin can still launch an attack in our flesh.

God has not taken away the risk of sin from our life. We can minimize the risk but we can’t eliminate it. Recently when two men decided to row from Australia to NZ, they could minimize the risk by preparation but they couldn't eliminate risk entirely.

Friend, there is no “zap” to cure your human weakness. God works through human weakness not through human strength. We can rebuke the devil and we should, but the weakness stays along with His great and free Grace in our time of need!

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David was ashamed of his sin but thankful that he could be forgiven. Still, he had to live with the promise of trouble in his home. Forgiveness was granted but the consequences were massive. He suffered in his life because of the wrong choices he made. Christianity is not magic; it doesn’t dissolve all your problems and potential problems. You will still suffer for your sins, in this life.

Sin repented off will not be mentioned or brought up in the next life but in this life, you will live with the consequence maybe for all your life. We have two choices as believers; not whether we will suffer but whether we will suffer for doing good or doing evil. A man may choose to suffer at work for being honest or he may suffer in his soul if he chooses to be dishonest, but suffer he will. It is not easy being a Christian, but it is always better to suffer to obeying than to suffer because of sin.

Being a Christian doesn’t protect us from all suffering but it does help us to endure suffering, and if we will obey God it will help us avoid having to suffer for sin.

Friend, Jesus suffered in the flesh; meaning that there are things that are right but not easy to do but any difficult thing we need to do will be better than suffering for doing the wrong thing.

David was ashamed of his sin but thankful that he could be forgiven. Still, he had to live with the promise of trouble in his home. Forgiveness was granted but the consequences were massive. He suffered in his life because of the wrong choices he made. Christianity is not magic; it doesn’t dissolve all your problems and potential problems. You will still suffer for your sins, in this life.

Sin repented off will not be mentioned or brought up in the next life but in this life, you will live with the consequence maybe for all your life. We have two choices as believers; not whether we will suffer but whether we will suffer for doing good or doing evil. A man may choose to suffer at work for being honest or he may suffer in his soul if he chooses to be dishonest, but suffer he will. It is not easy being a Christian, but it is always better to suffer to obeying than to suffer because of sin. Being a Christian doesn’t protect us from all suffering but it does help us to endure suffering, and if we will obey God it will help us avoid having to suffer for sin.

Friend, Jesus suffered in the flesh; meaning that there are things that are right but not easy to do but any difficult thing we need to do will be better than suffering for doing the wrong thing.

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It was a wet stormy night and our children were out with their friends. Like most other nights fear fleetingly came and went through my mind as I thought about the worst-case scenario.

Fear is one thing that allows the devil to get a hook into our life. Our fears for the future or our health or that our kids might not be saved, but the devil is a liar. The devil is the source and father of every lie and he is not speaking for God. We should reject his every thought and Gods answer to the devils lies, is always His Truth.

We are prone to worry about our children. We love and care for them most of all but there is one who loves them more. The key to getting free of fear is to declare God love and kindness around your children and trust the angels who are ministering spirit for the heirs of salvation. Next thing to do is consecrate them to the Lord. If there is a fear it’s usually a sign that there is something, in our life which is not yet completely consecrated to the Lord. The Bible says that fear and worry is sin which is hard to understand because to us to worry seems like a parental responsibility. When we fear losing things they maybe have taken on idolatrous importance. Consecration means, there is nothing between you and God. Love for God determines what we do with our life, what we do with our money and what we do with our time and mind. Therefore the devil is happy for you to have any god except the Lord Jesus Christ.

Friend, that relationship with Jesus is of prime importance - anything that comes between us is an idol which the devil is able to use to get a hook of fear into our minds. Consecrate all matters to Him and trust Him to do what you can’t do and to keep what you cannot keep.

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The funeral ended and the crowds moved outside to comfort the family. Tears flowed as they embraced the grieving; the family received strength. We are designed to need other people, even when it comes to grieving properly. We cry more freely at funerals when people hug us. The hug tells us, that it is alright to let go because there is still someone here for us. We need others to hold us through the process. Rom 12.15. We mourn with those who mourn.
Tears come in the eyes, not in the souls of our feet, so people can see our need and hold us up.

We can experience grief whenever we lose a family member when a dear relationship ends or even when we lose a cherished job. When hopes are smashed, we need someone to hold us and help us through to a new life. As the natural body heals itself, so it takes the spiritual body of Christ to heal us too. The Body can take a load from us; it can compensate and take away infection from our soul. God brings people into the church body to be healed, who are emotionally wounded, rejected or damaged by life and relationships.

Friend, when people first come into a loving church body, they are nearly always dulling the pain in their heart but when they are healed by the Body, the pain and even destructive cycles of sin can be broken. Didn't someone sing "Love the one your with"? Maybe they meant at Church!

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Growing Personallyjim
Good Grief

The funeral ended and the crowds moved outside to comfort the family. Tears flowed as they embraced the grieving; the family received strength. We are designed to need other people, even when it comes to grieving properly. We cry more freely at funerals when people hug us. The hug tells us, that it is alright to let go because there is still someone here for us. We need others to hold us through the process. Rom 12.15. We mourn with those who mourn.
Tears come in the eyes, not in the souls of our feet, so people can see our need and hold us up.

We can experience grief whenever we lose a family member when a dear relationship ends or even when we lose a cherished job. When hopes are smashed, we need someone to hold us and help us through to a new life. As the natural body heals itself, so it takes the spiritual body of Christ to heal us too. The Body can take a load from us; it can compensate and take away infection from our soul. God brings people into the church body to be healed, who are emotionally wounded, rejected or damaged by life and relationships.

Friend, when people first come into a loving church body, they are nearly always dulling the pain in their heart but when they are healed by the Body, the pain and even destructive cycles of sin can be broken. Didn't someone sing "Love the one your with"? Maybe they meant at Church!

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Growing Personallyjim
People are Good for You

People are designed to need God and to need people as well, in fact, there are many important things we can’t fully receive apart from people.

We all need acceptance; it is the cry of everyone to be accepted. We try to dress right, look right and talk right just to fit in. We know we are accepted by God but often we struggle to know it in our heart. What can help us is the acceptance of people? When acceptance also comes from Gods people, we can feel love. We need God with skin on; someone who Jesus is “wearing.”

Often people that live in isolation, nearly always feel bad about themselves. Often they feel guilty. They reason, if I feel lonely, I must not be loved and if I'm unlovable it must be because I'm bad.

Grace is the foundation of all true success and life from God. Everything we receive; everything you have; including grace itself is by grace. 1Peter 4.10 Grace is something that has to come from outside of us; from God or others. God uses His Body to dispense His grace. Many of Gods gifts to His children, come to us through the Body. Knowing God’s love and forgiveness also goes from our head to our hearts, when we experience it through His people.
Friend, we receive Life from God only, but often He dispenses it to us, through His body the Church. Find a true friend today or reach out to the one you trust already.

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Growing Personallyjim