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Growing through Change

Some years ago a plane carrying a South American football team crashed in the mountains. The wreckage was not found and all were presumed dead. After a number of weeks, ten out of the 45 passengers came out of the jungle. Some of the team had survived by eating their dead companions. It was a radical change of diet but they survived!

We will all need to change this year. In marriage, if you don't change your marriage will come under pressure. Sometimes there has to a radical change. When the whole house is shifted on its foundations, it is going to require something more than just wallpapering over the cracks. When the family is drifting apart another video player isn't going to help us. Some of us need to make radical changes to stay on course.

Family change is inevitable. We all live through various seasons in life. “Dinks,” then we have kids, then mid-life, empty nesters and the senior years. The world is changing too; events like 911, the GFC and climate change tell us the only constant is change and generally we don’t like change. They say 10% love change - the early adapters, 10% of us hate change and 80% will accept it as we work it through. Sometimes change can affect our position so that our identity is threatened or change affects our status or our routine.
Friend, sometimes we have to change just to survive! The one common factor in all people who fail is their inability to change. If you can see cracks appearing, what changes do you have to make today?