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Give it time

When Daniel was being taken to the lion’s den, it didn’t look that good for Daniel. When the three Hebrew boys were being led up the stairs to the top of the furnace it looked really serious. When Jonah was grabbed by the arms cast out into the sea that looked fairly final.

But we know how the story ends; Daniel is delivered; the Hebrew boys aren’t burnt and Jonah is picked up by a huge fish. It all works out in the end. All of God stories work out in the end. Like movies, endings are usually good. It’s the middle we can’t work out. It’s the middle that has the suspense the drama. And such is our life.

We don’t know what grand scheme of good things God is working out. “All things that work together for good”.. means, all the things that we were pleased about and all the things that were disappointing at the time.

God does not make everything happen in our life. Many times it is the devil or ourselves or other people. God doesn’t cause or begin everything but He is a redeemer in the life of every faithful believer and He is faithful to change what the devil meant for evil for good.

We are tempted to be disappointed in what is just in the trying of our faith. Is just the time between when you ask something from God and when God gives it. We haven’t seen anything for a year, so it becomes a disappointment when really it’s still the middle of the trial and you just haven’t seen His answer yet. But it’s on its way. To put a time limit on God may bring a disappointment.

Friend, sometimes it does take weeks, months, sometimes years but we should realise that because of His perfect timing our disappointments can become His appointments.