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Depression vs Love

Doctor Meridith, after decades of research and treating thousands of depressed people, said "The root problem in all depression is pent up anger either toward yourself or others; true or false guilt or holding grudges even unconsciously.

True guilt is, of course, a blessing; it tells us in our conscience, that we have violated Gods law. It motivates us to change our behaviour. As we stop doing the behaviour, we like ourselves more. Doing wrong lowers our feelings of self-worth. People feel guilty because they are guilty. Sometimes straightening out the wrong they are doing, is all they have to do to straighten out the feelings of depression.

False guilt doesn’t come from breaking Gods law but breaking some convention of man. It comes as a result of the judgement of people you respect like parents. Things like never feeling that you can measure up. Maybe you didn’t turn up to the family Christmas party and you feel guilty etc. False guilt is where people feel that anything short of perfection is a failure. They are hard on themselves and are critical of themselves. They might think that to get angry is sinful yet it’s not; everyone gets angry.

Deal with you grudges daily or you will be depressed each day. If you don’t forgive people fully finally and freely each day.

Friend, let your false guilt go. True guilt can only be deal with through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.