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Intimacy or Sex?

We are made by God with a psychological need for intimacy and it drives people to some degree till it is satisfied. Fathers have the role of ensuring their daughters feel loved and special because young girls want to feel special to somebody. There are many unscrupulous men who are happy to say “I love you.”

Sadly much of the world confuse intimacy with sex. You can have sex and never be intimate with a person’s heart and soul. The western world has elevated sex to religion and effectively worships sex. Therefore it thinks that sex has the power to solve all problems. Sex is even the basis for an entire world view. A world view answers three questions; where we came from, what went wrong and how can we fix it.

The biblical world view is that God made us; we sinned and are separated from God and the only way it can be fixed is through Gods provided a solution, Jesus Christ. In other words, a man can’t fix man’s problems, only God can and He did.

The world’s view of the new religion of sex is that we came from animals so like animals we need to have sex with whoever you can find willing. What went wrong was that morality produces guilt and the way to fix that is to ignore or do away with morality: teach against morals and rebel against the inner restraints in your conscience and pursue sex with anyone and everyone; men and others men’s wives or daughters!

But the world is reaping the consequences of this false and completely selfish religion. The figures show that divorced men and women are 5 times more likely to become alcoholics or drug users. Millions of couples are now broken and damaged in their hearts by divorce or multiple partners. They have given away part of themselves to too many people.

Friend, you can’t break the laws of life or the law of God’s universe, you only break yourself. God is our ultimately wise creator and He knows what is good for people. Still, the Ten Commandments are for our protection - yes even today in a world of cheap promiscuous sex and adultery!

Statistically, marriages entered into where both people in the marriage were virgins are twice as likely to last permanently. God has put His principles into the fabric of human relationships and they can’t be ignored without consequences. God designed sex so enjoy and delight in the wife and husband God has given you!