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Power of the Cross

Jesus the King came looking for subjects all through Palestine and could find few. They rejected the king and missed the kingdom. They eventually said they didn't want the King to rule over them and they crucified Him.

But at Pentecost, his disciple subjects accepted Jesus as the King and found that His kingly power and authority changed their lives. They found that as He ruled in their lives, He brought them peace, victory and dominion over all their enemies, healing over sickness demons, depression and fear. It was as He promised, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matt 6:33

As he rules from the throne of our heart, He extends His rule into our minds our body, our values and our focus. In a kingdom, there can only be one will, as there was in the garden before sin. For this reason, we pray “Let your kingdom come, your will be done. Being a disciple or subject means taking up the cross because the cross means, you are ready to do the will of the King. The cross means an instrument upon which your will dies. The Cross is the shape of an “I” crossed out.

A disciple is someone who has denied self-will and embraced the will of the King. Either Jesus has the cross and you’re on the throne or you have the cross and Jesus is on the throne. If He is on His throne – He can rule as King.

Jesus said “If anyone would be my disciple, let him take up his cross and follow me”

Friend, there are no cross-less people following Jesus.