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Am I Depressed

The man went home from the meeting excited about the Sunday message “If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature, behold all things become new.” Wow-all things! Monday came and his anger got the better of him again. He couldn’t understand and become miserable. He thought, if I’m a new creature and old things are passed away and all things have become new, then why do I still get depressed.

Basic theology and hermeneutics to the rescue! All things don’t physically become new; we will still have the same house, wife and body, but our relationship to everything especially God, and others and even our past become new. Certainly, our body is not new, it is growing weaker every day and it’s not about to change any time soon.

Over the years people have said that depression is always caused by self-pity or a lack of faith. I’ve heard that you can overcome depression by confession and that happiness’s a choice. There is some truth to that too. Depression is a common human experience. Sometimes depression has a physical base. At its simplest an insufficient level of exercise, lack of sleep, illness or bad diet can all cause depression and it can even run in the family. For overworked preachers, speakers and sportspeople there is even such a thing as post-adrenaline depression. If you were hyped up to meet a deadline or to preach, afterwards your adrenal gland can shut down from overuse and you can experience a flat Sunday night or Monday!

Depression can be caused by loss or stress. Some personalities also seem to be more prone to it; more up and down and sometimes people get depressed because they are able to express their anger. Sometimes depression is caused by a family of origin issues, either because of conflict in the present or even earlier in life. You might need help to sort it out?
Friend, if you feeling a bit depressed welcome to the human race. You may be just overloaded and need to chill. Give yourself a break, chances are, you’ll be better soon. Talk to God and if you have done all that you know to do, it may be time to talk to someone else.