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God Speaks

The Bible is a narrative of God revealing himself to people. It is the story of God in the world and includes precepts, commands and promises to various people.It is full of practices, precepts,  principles and promises.The practices are what Gods people did in the Bible.  The precepts are what He asked people to do and the promises are what He is telling us He will do.The challenge we have is to know which of the examples they give us, do we follow. Which of the commands and precepts apply to us and which of the promises that he makes to people in apply to us.We have to ask, “Does the narrative reflect a particular culture?” Like killing fatted calf for a visitor, or when Ruth lay down at Boaz feet after he had eaten. Some of this is or was a cultural practice and is not necessary normative for all believers in all ages.We then ask “Is there a spiritual principle in this natural story?  Ruth the women willing to be a bride, needs to offer herself to the bridegroom.  If so, could God be speaking to me from this practice?  Yes possibly, as a principle.The commands or precepts in the Bible should be obeyed if it was not written to one people or a particular group like the Israelites. Though some are particular there may be a principle to apply. For example when Jesus said to the disciples, to pay the temple tax.   Although it is particular, the principle is applicable; try to not offend religious people’s conscience.Friend, the Bible is a great book which is worth every effort to understand, it is worth every effort to obey as Gods Spirit applies it to our hearts but more, it is a window to our Father’s heart as we meet with Him.