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Ship wreck

Paul remembered standing on the heaving deck of the ship before it was wrecked upon the rocks. Aware of the perils of the sea, he warned Timothy about the spiritual perils, of making shipwreck of his faith. 1Tim 1.19 “Hold on to faith and a good conscience.”

When our lives are in a great storm we have to hold on to faith. Hold on to the promises of God, that everything works for the good, of those who are called for His purpose. If you have a direct word from God like Paul on the boat, declare it and believe it and if you have no special word, we still have His written Word, which assures us of His unchanging character. Rom 8.29 When you run out of the understanding of His will, we can still run into the peace that passes all understanding.

Also, we need to hold a good conscience. In many storms, God uses other people and if we get bitter, angry or harbour evil thoughts about people we can make a shipwreck too. We need to see them as the instrument of God for good. If we keep our hearts right, God will give us grace to the humble and the ability to forgive and pray blessing upon them.
Friend, see your storms as an opportunity to grow in faith and see difficult people, as tools in God's hands to develop our character and prepare us for our future.