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You have not missed out

The garden is completely quiet. The animals were hushed as if aware of the danger Adam and Eve  were in . The Serpent slid towards the women as she walked among the trees. His strategy was clear; create doubt. “God knows that when you eat of the fruit you’ll be like him.  He’s holding out on you; He’s trying to short change you.  Your life is  incomplete and if you want to get what you have missed out, you need to eat the fruit.His strategy is the same today. He whispers “He’s’ short changed you. He gave all the brains to your brother and you are dull as a drain and your sister got all the looks. He didn’t give you what you really need, so how can He be trusted.When Israel was wondering what God was doing with them the prophet said “Woe to those who strive with their maker.”   It is not reasonable to strive with God our Maker. He knows the reason he made us the way we are.  We are not born to impress the world for a short season of life with beautiful looks and stellar personality.Friend, we are brought forth really for a time to come. God is looking beyond this life to His kingdom and the wisdom of every hard time, sad thing, difficult upbringing and every feeling of inadequacy will be demonstrated and shown to be necessary, to produce the character we will want in the kingdom.