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Keep your heart

For a number of years, I used to be the assistant pastor to David McCracken. We had a great relationship and I loved him as my spiritual father. That doesn’t mean that as a son, I saw everything exactly the same, and there were times I had to deal with issues in my own heart.

The heart is the determining factor of any person’s life. Prov. 4:20-23 says “Out of the heart come the issues of life,” including the future of all your relationships. What will be in your life tomorrow is determined by what is in your heart today. Your hearts attitude will determine your direction and the success of your life. The Bible is the story of people and their attitudes, and we see how their lives, families, and relationships, are strengthened or damaged, by the things we allow into our hearts. Negative attitudes in the heart will sabotage the potential of your life and negative attitudes and thoughts toward others will sabotage that relationship.

Prov 23.7 says “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” Your heart determines your life. If we wish we could change our life, we only have to change our heart. We have to decide what is going to be in our heart; mistrust, faultfinding, blaming negativity or love and faith.

Don’t let your life circumstances, determine your heart attitude. Anybody can let their life experiences determine their believing or their attitude, instead, you’re your heart determine how you go through your circumstances.

Friend, there is only one thing affecting your marriage relationship - and it’s not your wife’s ways or habits. There is only one thing affecting your happiness at work and your present and future ministry in the house of God - it’s what is in your heart.