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I need I need

A person who has not bonded with father or mother is always going to be a candidate for addiction. Everyone needs to be loved. They need something to thrive in life, and that something is meant to be relationships with people. Often they substitute substances or activities like alcohol, smoking, porn or shopping but what they really need is close, honest and accepting relationships.

Sadly emotionally isolated people often can’t get relationships that heal, so they follow a deceitful desire. I head of a lady who realized this and said when the fridge called me, to comfort me, I realized that what I really needed was love, so I drove over to some friends for some affection and warmth. She said, "I discovered it’s not food I needed but love and God has provided a family in which we can find that bond of love". We are made for relationships and friends. We need God and man. Deuteronomy says “Thou shalt love God with all your heart and your neighbour as your self". The command to love your neighbour is also good for you. To be loved and to love others is the core of being a human. Many times we edit people out and think God is enough. Especially us Pentecostals think God is all we need. We’ll actually no. Jesus said we need other things too and if our Heavenly Father knows we have need of these things He will provide the people we need.
Friend, everything living thing God made; plants, trees, and animals are designed to live by receiving nutrition and strength from somewhere else. In John15, Jesus says our spirit man must be connected to the Vine Jesus to grow in the same context as loving one another. The human soul grows and is nurtured by God through others. Draw from your Heavenly Father and His love today and begin to build true friendships with some others.