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No Vision

Each day they could only see the sandy desert stretching out before them to the horizon and the back of millions as they trudged through the wilderness. They never saw beyond their circumstances, they lost sight of where they were going. They were stuck in unbelief and negativity and their soul was not prospering. Some people think that nothing good will ever happen to them.

Corinthians tells us that we are new creatures. A brand new species and this new creation potential, is completely different to what it used to be. If all things are made new, our future, our potential is totally different. I never realised that my new life would include the ministry, or that it would include the privilege of meeting with some of the greatest men of God in NZ. I found out that the new future included preaching and teaching the Bible in India, Asia, Pacific Islands, Europe and the US.

The Israelites had no positive vision for their life yet God had a plan for their life and it was good. God was leading Israel into the blessing into the new future of milk and honey and that surely beats manna and sand, but they were stuck in their mind and therefore defeated in their thinking. They weren’t able to enter in or face the challenges, because their heart kept them out. You can’t rise up to be anything more than what your heart allows, even if you are presented with a great opportunity.

Friend, if we don’t want to take the test over and over, we need to ask is our negative heart attitude keeping us from our promise land.