The Spiritual Realm

The Bible is the Christian hitch-hikers guide the galaxy. With the resurgence of “folk religions” and new-age superstition, it is good to remember that the gospel is exclusive in its claims. It is not PC or tolerant of false views, only because so much is at stake.

Sometimes we hear of the believer being involved in spiritism. This can only be so because they will not align their thinking with the Word of God. They lack repentance; they want to believe that their thinking and judgement is much clearer and wiser than Gods thinking which he has made clear in the Word of God.

The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ is God alone. His Spirit is called the Holy Spirit. He only has holy Angels. This means that every other spirit is of the devil. There are no friendly ghosts, no Casper and no Taniwhas. It doesn't matter how friendly or how helpful, how useful or knowledgeable a spirit is, in or through a person, they are evil spirits.

It doesn't matter if the clairvoyant is helping the police, or the mentalist is working for CSI, or if they are helping Harry Potter, they are demons.

The great danger of all the current promotion about spirits, witches, wizards and vampires is that they are never presented as the enemies of people or the enemies of Christ, which of course they are.

I've had people come to me and say that the spirit of their mother or grandmother has been coming to them in the house and so they have been talking to her. They have been comforted because they feel the presence of the spirit until it eventually brings with it confusion and bondage.
Friends, we can receive with passion and confidence everything spiritual that is established by the Word of God and has as its source, the Lord Jesus Christ and the mighty Holy Spirit. All else we can and should reject.