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Growing up in Jesus

Sanctification or Christian maturity is a process over time and is really just learning to live consistent with who we are in Christ. For this reason, it is the burden of Pauls letters in which he seeks to teach us who we are, whose we are and that real Life and real love comes only from Jesus.

Maturity is realising that anything but Jesus will not give life nor be life. Jn 14:6 Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. Therefore drawing from anything whether things, people or places will leave you short of life! Whenever we feel angry, disappointed or fearful it is a sign that you are looking to the wrong thing for life.

Years ago I owned a green Austin car. Once the light came on the dash to warn of an impending mechanical failure. I wasn’t long before I had to replace some major parts of the car. Anger or fear are just warning lights that we are doing the wrong thing in our search for Life. People, places and things may be a gift from Life but they are never the source of life! God allows us to have needs that only he can meet. Jesus alone can give you unconditional love. Jesus alone determines your worth for He alone outbid everyone for you. He alone can be with you always.

Paul prayed for his church in Ephesus because God has decided that His power and grace reach into the earth and its inhabitants, through the process of prayer. Paul prayed they would be strengthened in their inner man by Christ dwelling in their heart through faith. Because when they were rooted and grounded in His love they would grow up into Him fully. We need more of God’s love to grow! Every time Believers get together it is so we can receive more of the love of God. There are problems in our hearts that need to be exposed to His love. As we become more secure in His love we begin to take responsibility rather than blaming others. By understanding the past and its effects we can make better choices now.

Maturity does not happen in a click of the finger but is often unseen for a time and it involves changing the way we respond to ourselves and others. Toward ourselves, it will mean emotional honesty; that we will no longer deny or repress our emotional pain. Our emotions are the gauges of our hearts condition so we should take note of them. Integrity means showing on the outside what we are on the inside. That we will "weep our tears and groan our groans." It will mean that we are prepared to receive the assistance of others. Perhaps listening to the reflections of others without defensiveness. And it means having a desire to change. It’s not about just carrying on, or coping the way we always have but wanting to be truly whole.

Towards others, it will mean becoming merciful. Understanding that just as we need mercy, that we understand others need mercy too. We will forgive as we desire to be forgiven. It should matter to us that others get well too. Healing often comes to those trying to heal others.

Finally, friend, it will require courage. Be determined to pursue the right thing and wholeness no matter what the cost. With or without the approval of others, we will press forward to enjoy the approval of our Father.