Obey or lose inheritance

The Promised Land looked awesome as it stretched out before them. It was very productive and easy to see why other nations wanted to live there. But Israel listened to the unbelief of the ten spies and failed to go in.One of the great lessons of Old Testament is that unbelief and fear will keep us from the Promised Land.  All the people of Israel were accepted by God as His people because of the atoning blood of the Passover lamb but sadly not all were approved. Remember it says in Corinthians that God was not pleased with many of them. This means the whole nation except Joshua and Caleb.Acceptance in Christ is not the same as approval.  Every believer is accepted in the beloved. We have acceptance in Christ but it is not the same as approval. In adoption the father says “this is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased,” Approval is public.   Every son ready to be approved and adopted will have learned obedience. So Jesus learned obedience before he was publicly adopted by the father. He was born the son of God but he had to grow up to be strong in spirit and become a mature son by his obedience!  Obedience is something that every son learns.Friend, let’s non fail to enter in. Let’s obey and not listen to any who are talking or living fear or unbelief.