Good valleys

Our maturity is demonstrated not by how we live in the good times as a believer but by how we live in the valleys; in the dark times; the lonely times of struggle temptation and trial.  Those times when it seems we are walking through valleys.Valleys are part our Christian walk, in fact the original Promised Land was made up of mountains and low lands and valleys.   Jos 11:16.  Valleys  are important, because our character is not proven by the gifts God gives us but by the integrity of heart we offer him and the choices we make in our troubled times.Given a choice, we would all prefer the mountain top experience every time, so God doesn’t leave it to us. He lays out the spiritual topography, He chooses the inheritance and He wants us to realize that God is God of the valleys as well as God of the mountains.  1Kings 20.23.   Job walked through a big valley, and his integrity held him strong and Satan’s power was broken off his life. We are approved like Job in the valleys.

Friend, there are many important things that God can only do in us through difficult times in our life, because in the Inheritance and promised land, fruit only grows in the Valleys. Num. 13.23