Pour it out

When the potter makes a vessel on the wheel, he always has a purpose in mind that vessel should be used for. A vessel is never created just to stand there.  Today yes, but in biblical times, vessels were too rare and too important to necessary to be standing around for no reason - they were made to contain oil or water or food.  Every vessel was made for the purpose of containing or dispensing something.We too are likened to earthen vessels because the treasure within the vessel is to be God Himself more especially the word of God. The word treasure in the original is actually Thesaurus, meaning things stored up for tomorrow. David said I have stored up Your word, that I might not sin against You.   We need to store up the Word of God for our tomorrow. When we have stored up God word as a treasure within  us, we can pour it out in the power of God’s Spirit bringing God’s life to others!  We need to get more of the good treasure into our hearts for out of the heart the mouth speaks. Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. 

Friend, are you storing up God’s word? Whether we store up the word and speak the work of God determines the effectiveness of the vessel God has made.