What faith is

My father-in-law once brought a property somewhere in Australia that he never actually saw.  He knew it was his when he obtained the title deed.   Faith is not a blind believing but it rests upon the best of evidence.  The bible says “faith is the substance of things hoped for” The Amplified version says faith is “The title deed of things not seen”. Faith is being informed by God.  You have to read your bible! Faith is perceived as real fact that is not revealed to the senses. Faith is the evidence of things not yet seen.  Faith is believing you have what God has promised you, before you see it. Jesus said “When you stand praying believe that you have received it and you shall have it.” Jesus is asking us to believe before we see or believe before we have something. Thomas said “Unless I see the prints in his hand I will not believe”. Plenty of people are like that -unless I can see the results I can’t believe but if you can see it, don’t need faith. Remember we believed the baptism of the Holy Spirit was ours for the asking before we got it.   Abraham believed that he was a father before he received his son. Abraham didn't look at the deadness of the situation. He was fully convinced that God was able to do that which He had promised.We are to believe without seeing, trust without understanding and hope when all hope is gone. God’s Word will tell you things that are before you see it.

Friend, when Jesus came to the disciples in the storm  He wanted to know where was their faith, not their tithe number, or church attendance. In your storm today, put your faith in Him and His word.