The Author and Finisher

The glad angels sung as a choir while others announced the arrival of God upon the earth. Jesus may have been born in Bethlehem as the Word of God but He existed forever before that.  The Word was with God and was God.  The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.  The Word of God didn't begin to exist, when He was born, He always existed; He only existed in the flesh when He came to earth.  The Bible tells us He was the creator of all things.Therefore it is obvious that He could over see the writing of the Bible and ensure it foretold and foreshadowed Himself and the Triune God.The stamp of the Godhead; Father Son and Holy Spirit is imprinted throughout all of the Scripture by way of types, shadows and prophecy.The Tri-une God and Christ is reflected in the ark that Noah built with three levels. Jesus is seen in the door on the second level by which the creatures entered in, to be saved and the window on the third level reflected the light of the Holy Spirit.Isaac the only beloved son of Abraham is taken to be offered as a sacrifice on a Mount Moriah, the very same mountain that the Father offered Jesus the antitype.Joseph the beloved son, was to rule over his brothers but he was rejected by his brothers, falsely accused, punished by the Gentiles, till he finally was lifted up to become the ruler over all, after marrying a Gentile bride.Moses is a type of Jesus. He was the deliverer, the mediator and the lawgiver. Typical objects like the Passover lamb, the tabernacle of Moses the rock that was struck and Manna from Heaven all speak of Him.Friend, God oversaw the completion of the Bible but more than that, He has overseen and will oversee the completion of your life story. No page of the story of your life is without significance and out of that story the Author seeks to bring a true and powerful representation of Himself

Jim & Anneke Shaw