Get Faith

Abraham awoke early thinking about the journey ahead and also about how he was going to tell his family that God had spoken to him to leave the country. Abraham believed he had heard from God and he received faith from hearing a promise from God. Noah had faith by being warned or informed by God; not from the doctor or the sceptic or the neighbour next door. God can’t lie so it’s easy to believe God.

The woman with the issue of blood was hopeless; until she heard! When the woman heard that Jesus was healing the sick, faith came into her heart. She heard His will, His word and who He was and it brought her faith. When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by he cried out Faith began when he heard something about God.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God so until you have a word from God you cannot have faith. Acts 4 says “many of them that heard the word of God, believed. If you have a problem, a struggle, a desire or a dream in your heart and you have no word from God on that, you cannot usually have faith.
Friend, we have to read the bible and get it into our heart. We have to know what God has said about our situation. Then like the women who heard and was healed - one word from God can change your life.