Test of Faith

When you are finally married you know it because you heard the preacher say the words and you have a certificate that is recognised by all the powers of the nation. The word of God is settled; it is a certificate that all the powers of heaven and earth recognise but faith comes by hearing.  Faith believes the promises whether we see anything yet or feel anything yet.From the time that faith receives the promise as real, till the time the promise is manifest, is the fight of faith.  Abraham waited two years for his child. Noah preached for 120 years and saw no response but we have to believe facing the mountain. When things still look the same.   Your sickness and your need; the thing you know God wants to change in your life and situation. Faith believes without seeing, while still in the problem.  Faith says it is mine when the only evidence is the word of God; that is faith.  When no rain is falling on Noah’s roof at night.  When the fig tree that Jesus cursed stays green for while.  God kind of faith believes it’s done even before we see it.  We believe were on our way to heaven though we’ve never seen it. We believe Jesus is real but we have never seen Him. We believe were cleansed and clothed with righteous robes but we’ve never seen them. But the Bible says so.  That is faith.Friend, if you will take God at his Word, find out what He has promised you in that situation and believe him, even before you see it - He will move for you.