Legend in his own mind

King Nebuchadnezzar thought he had done it all by himself.  Pride gets us imagining something of ourselves, which is not true. Nebuchadnezzar thought “My own power I have gotten me this wealth.” And it manifests in our attitude to others too. We become obsessed with disputes and arguments, or maybe we won’t listen to others advice.  Some people are unteachable, they think they know best. Pride enters into their heart. And instead of receiving grace which leads to success they are resisted by God and blunder into the darkness alone, making all the mistakes the unaided person is prone to make. But worse, if we are proud we will be resisted by God.  It’s just a law.  It’s not that God wants to resist you, it’s that He must.   He doesn’t want his children to hurt themselves, but He knows if the seek to break the law of gravity they will. Similarly the laws of the kingdom can never be broken.  The way up is down.  The only way to know success in life is to have Gods grace upon us.  Success is to become a servant.  To serve your wife; to serve your husband; to serve your parents.

Friend, it is the law of humility.  God gets behind the humble and pushes them but He get in front of the proud.   We either lose our pride or we lose our potential destiny, it’s our choice.