Not my fault

The repetitive groan from Israel was “Why have you brought us into the wilderness to die?” Actually they were a long way from dying. They had plenty of manna and water; they were on a low-fat diet with plenty of fresh air and exercise. They were never healthier.

But they were blaming Moses and God. Blaming others is as old as the book literally. In Gen 3. Adam blames Eve who blames God. Abraham and Sarah blame each other. Gen16. But until you accept responsibility for your life and your mistakes you’re stuck, you can’t progress. Their problem was their attitude; they wanted it easy, they wanted it to be over, they wanted somebody else to make it better, when all along, the reason they were in the wilderness, was their own bad attitudes. We may excuse our-selves saying “I’m cynical because my first pastor was a crook.” Or “I lack commitment because the church is too demanding and I don’t trust people or I can’t submit to authority, because I’ve been hurt”
Friend, we’ve all been hurt. Everyone goes through trials. That’s par for the course. It’s part of God’s schooling system. Stop making excuses for yourself and realise that God uses an imperfect church and imperfect people, to help us grow to maturity and “perfection.” If we respond and not react we can grow through trials not just go through trials.

The Discipleship Processjim