Fight with love

I once saw a man pay $200000 for a personalised number plate.  Its intrinsic value was $1 but the value to that man was so much more. The value of an object is determined by the purchaser.In the early days of Christianity, it seemed a huge a task to turn the world around but “washing people’s feet” is what won the battle. They laid down their lives and they saw people to be of infinite worth. Whether they were accepted or rejected, was not the point. The point was, that Jesus paid a huge price for the world; people were not worthy but they were worth a lot to God.It seems that the church is at its best, when they understand the high value to God of every human being.  Every act of love whether shown to a spouse, or a neighbour, is an act of spiritual warfare, against the lie of the devil, that people don’t matter.Friend, today if the whole world seems a bit big to love – think of one person in your life. Hear the Lord say to you “That person has infinite worth to me. Apart from all they have done, I ascribe unsurpassable worth to that person.”  Then ask “Lord, give me words to say, the deeds to do and the love to lay down my life and wash the feet of just one person today.”