Behind the Hedge

A one year old baby is defenseless so his father helps and protects him. Everything is taken care of for the boy, but eventually that baby grows up and has to go to school. He has to learn to look after himself.It seems that when we first become a believer, God provides a hedge around us.  It seems God answers every prayer and the blessings roll in, but one year later things are difficult and we are trying to work out what we did wrong.  But it’s only God wanting us to grow up.  Job enjoyed his life; he was blessed.  God had placed a hedge of protection around his life.While we are protected by the hedge, we are strong because of the hedge, but of course God wants us to be strong in the Lord, and the power of His might.  So sometimes God pulls down the hedge and we have to learn to put up the shield of faith in the gap.  He wants us to learn to be strong behind the shield of faith, rather than cave in to the devils despair. The hedge has to come down. God plans victory for you against the giants, but He knows you have to face your bear and your lion to grow in confidence. As you grow your faith muscle, you can be prepared for greater challenges.Friend, no weapon formed against you, is ever designed to prosper. The enemy is only allowed by God so you can grow stronger, defeat him, step over him and keep on moving.