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Wilderness again

 After reaching the border of the Promised Land the people of Israel were saddened by the own disobedience, as they were turned back into wilderness again.  They realised that they had not learned the lessons they were meant to learn in the desert. The wilderness was to teach them and then test them on the principles that God has taught them. The wilderness was to prepare them for future ministry and to give them enough discipline to enable them to overcome their enemies. Duet 8:3.  They were to become people of faith, trust and courage; of contentment and endurance. Jesus was taken by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and David was in the wilderness before he was anointed for the last time before he was made king.  The Spiritual wilderness is still a school where God teaches us then tests us, so we can pass on to the next grade.  So we all are in some sort of wilderness right here and right now.   After the feast of Pentecost Gods people went into the wilderness, to work out what God was working in them.   Through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, He puts His laws in our heart and from then on, He tests us, to see if we will follow his laws.

Friend, what we don’t learn by revelation, we will have to learn by situation. These situations from God show us what we are like and they will bring stuff to the surface so we can remove it out of our lives.