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Davids stone

David ran to the battle with Goliath and chose stones he knew would bring the giant down. Goliath had no amour for the stone that David slung at him. All the training and love he had developed as a shepherd stirred within him. The motivation behind the stone was love for God’s people and the living God. Love is like the stone that David launched. The devil has armour against everything, except love. He can’t see it coming and it will never fail.

God’s love is the power that never fails; Hatred stops dead the flow of Gods Spirit into your life and earth. Hatred and bitterness have many faces and many synonyms that don’t sound quite as bad. I’m hurt, I’m disappointed, I blame someone else for my situation or I don’t trust them, but it is unforgiveness.

Jesus said, “When you stand praying for anything and you have ought against anyone, your Father will not forgive your trespasses.” Un-forgiveness stops answered prayer, and it stops the things God has for you, from coming to you. Un-forgiveness blocks the pipe through which heaven flows to you.

Ernest Green said that he found that many sicknesses, mental torments, sleeplessness, fear, worry, nervousness stomach problems, were because of sprits of affliction and sickness. But the reason they had the right to be there, was nearly always un-forgiveness. Not always but many, many times.

We give place to the devil when you refuse to forgive everyone from the heart. It is possible that you are right now in the grip of tormentors.

Friend, if you demand others to pay for their sins against you, you will pay for yours but if you release them fully finally and freely and release well-intentioned missiles of love toward them, you can see even your human enemies touched by Gods power.