Que Sera Sera

The door slammed behind the apostle and they groped around the cell to see where to sit or lie down. Arrested and imprisoned for preaching Gods word but they didn’t believe it was Gods will for them to stay there. They began to sing and praise God.  Other disciples at the gathering also prayed till an angel came and let them out of prison. We know all things work together for good to them that are called, but that doesn’t mean that we just accept all circumstances blindly?  We don’t just accept them or give in to them.  Joseph didn’t say well its Gods will for me to be in prison for ever, so I won’t take the opportunity to get out.  When the apostles ended up in prisons they didn’t say “It is the will of God” they prayed till there was an earthquake. When troubles come or we lose our job, we don’t God doesn’t want us to work, instead we know God wants us to rise up in faith and trust Him for a new job. Sometimes you have to fight the devil off.  This builds in us faith, character; it forges perseverance opens our understanding and grows us into the mighty image of Christ.

Friend, if the enemy is seeking to depress you or sap your strength, rise and fight him off by declaring Gods goodness and His promises.