Fear Not

The devil knew Jesus was coming to set the man free, stirred up great storm to stop Jesus coming to the region. You know the devil is not really interested in stopping you doing anything but he is interested in stopping the Lord Jesus from touching people's lives.  It was not the disciples that he was trying to stop from reaching the other side, it was Jesus. The disciples at this point were merely men. Christ did not live within them.  They were not anointed with the Holy Spirit. Jesus authority was not dwelling in them. The only person that worried the devil in that boatload of people, was Christ. But things are different now. Today Christ is in our life like he was in the boat and because Christ is in us; the devil will cause the storms and troubles to come against us. If he can he will seek to way lay us, distract us and cause enough trouble to turn us back. How many times have you made a fresh commitment to be available to God only to find that quickly trouble comes?

Friend if you are with Jesus in His purpose to reach the lost, the enemy may seek to rock your boat but with Jesus in the boat your life and boat is safe.