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Truth and Grace

Fred who is a believer has a short temper and always seems to be blowing up his wife and kids. He makes yet another commitment to God to really try to not get angry so soon. The next day he fails again and feels like a hopeless failure. He will never break the cycle because he personally has no ability to help himself and the law (do not be soon angry) doesn’t empower him either.

He feels that he should be free but doesn’t seem to know-how. Jesus said “If you know the truth it will make you free. So true freedom is not from a physical problem but from something mental or spiritual.

Grace is a gift come to us from Jesus, but sometimes believers don’t seem to appropriate the gift of grace as we could. Often believers live more by self-effort.

God has revealed two weapons to smash off us, every bondage that the devil has put upon us - Grace and truth which came by Jesus Christ. Grace is the unmerited favour of God that God has shown us as sinners. Grace credits to us the righteousness of God. But grace is not just His righteousness but His ability too.

Now, what happens when Fred lives under grace or should we say understands the grace of God and Truth? Fred knows God is not angry with him and that God actually likes him. God has proved that by giving Fred His power, Spirit and Life.

He knows God actually loves him and wants Fred to have a healthy home and relationships even more than Fred does, so he comes boldly to the throne of grace to find help in a time of need. Fred is so in love with his heavenly Father now that he seeks to please Him even in the way he handles disappointments and he finds a new power at work in his life.
Friend, its grace that allows us to come feeling un-condemned before God our Father and ask for help. Grace teaches us that God is not surprised that you can’t control your anger or you lust or your fear without Him and grace will be given freely to you in your time at the throne.