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It takes truth to bring us into true freedom and freedom must run on the rails of truth. If your freedom ever gets off the rails of truth it will hurt you badly and destroy those around you. People may want to be free to take other people’s money but it will destroy them and others. So the truth will set you free and knowing and living the truth will keep you free.

Truth is reality; life as it truly is. When you’re a child you need adults to tell you how life really is because a five year doesn’t know about scalding water. Truth protects and sets free.

A teenager needs parents to tell the truth because they don’t know about the danger of men or drugs. The truth set free. An adult needs God to tell them by a revelation about how life is designed to work best, how to become right with God or how to live successfully with their wife or husband.

The law or the Old Testament is not the Truth by itself. It set no one free and made no one righteousness. The Truth is not any one part of the bible; it is the whole Bible. Thy Word is Truth and that truth was perfectly demonstrated by Jesus Christ. Another word for truth is reality and the Bible tells us how a thing really is. There really is a God. There really is a hell. There is a devil and you do reap whatever you sow.

Friend the greatest reality is that God loves us and Christ died for us to bring us back to God forever. That is real love, really awesome and real truth.