The other 6 days

In the old days, it was said that ministry was a special calling and if you want to do really serious work for God, you must go in that direction.

This sort of thinking, can affect our young people who believe that one day they'll be able to serve God. May be they don’t need to get an education and perhaps we don’t need to excel at work -just bum around till you get into the "real ministry." Do you know that the number of people applying to become missionary’s, follow the unemployment graph!

Spurgeon said to his students, “If you can be happy being a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher and business men then do it, for God is not calling you, ministry is just a nice idea to you.”

There is the effectual call of Christ where were saved and called to a lifestyle holiness; then there is the providential call in which you find yourself, like in your present job; the call to ministry and use of you gifts and the heart call. The thing you really want to do, maybe you want to be an engineer, where you would enjoy deep gladness and meet one of the world’s deep needs.
Friend, God is coming to widows and farmers to help them succeed. He knows about matchmaking, crop growing, administration and even prison work! Talk to Him about your work too!