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Arrested for preaching by religious leaders and badly treated, the two apostles still sung loudly in the darkness of the prison. It seemed like bravado, but it was a response to revelation.  They understood how to worship God and attract His powerful presence. (Acts 16.26) They knew that God dwells in our praise and joy and that His presence and joy go together. (Ps 16.11)

Joy is the atmosphere where God delights to dwell. That is a familiar environment for Him.  That is how you would prepare to be hospitable to God. He chooses to live in the atmosphere of joyous praise.

Many years before King David also knew that if he could reproduce the atmosphere of heaven, in his newly erected tabernacle on Zion, that God would dwell there and be enthroned there.  (2 Sam 6.17) He understood that if God was enthroned as king there, God would rule in the midst of His enemies and David’s enemies!

Friend, if we want to attract Gods presence around our life, in a fresh way we need to rejoice, because that is the atmosphere, he loves to live in. Surround yourself with joy and God will turn up in your circumstances.