The Table

David sat with a group of his leaders looking at the food spread on the mat before them. He felt like God had prepared a table for him in the presence of his enemies. We all have enemies, be they devils, strongholds, circumstances, our own thoughts, even people but they all oppose God's will being done in our life. We are at war but God has prepared His table long before the enemy of our soul shows up and everything we need to win, is on the table. This table is symbolic of relationship and every powerful blessing God has provided in Christ Jesus. This is the way God does it. We don’t fight the battle then enjoy the celebration.  God says to enjoy the victory feast that He has prepared and then join the battle.

After David’s kingdom was established, he asked if there were any of Jonathan’s relatives still alive. David had promised Jonathon, he would be kind to his descendants. He was told of one lame youth called Mephibosheth.  Mephibosheth was called to the palace and told of the kindness he was about to receive. He could now live in the palace as one of David’s royal sons and sit at the kings table every day. The table meant acceptance protection and kind provision. The gospel of Salvation is that God has provided for man, a table of forgiveness and mercy, at which we lame people, are invited to sit and feast with our royal king Jesus.  While Mephibosheth was seated at the table of the king, no one knew he was lame, and when we sit the kings table with Jesus, we look full of grace and unbeatable to the devil. But if we move away and stop feeding at the table of fellowship, we appear as we are in truth when independent; both lame and weak.

Friend, don’t enter your daily fight, skinny in the Spirit – go full and strong.  Too many saints turn up to the battle hopeful but famished.  Most of our struggles in life, are not because the enemies are too big, but because our time at the table is too small.