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Secret Place


Adam and Eve walked slowly around the garden, enjoying the light that seemed to shine from everything in the garden. Fabulous animals followed them without fear.  Despite all that vied for their attention, they wanted to be in that special place when the fascinating Creator appeared to them again. No distraction could dim the great attraction of their God. He was indescribably wise, and His love felt like magnet on their soul. Although they had walked together many times before, they couldn’t wait to see His face again. 

Covid 19, may be demonic, but God will use the enemies plans to work for His glory and His Churches good. The tinsel and bustle of earth has begun to grow a little dimmer and stranger, and the beauty of
Jesus a lot brighter.  Attractions have closed and distractions are now in perspective. Peace that once came from trusting in the things of earth, is being exchanged for peace from the One who is in heaven.  And His face draws closer.

Solomon was quite the romantic and had noticed the doves, high up in the craggy rocks around his home. The courting doves lived their lives in secret. Inspired, Solomon says to his absent bride. “O my dove, in the
clefts of the rock, In the secret places of the cliff, Let me see your face, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, And your face is lovely.”( Son 2:14)

Our “Greater than Solomon” also wants to see our face and hear our voice in the secret place and in that place has promised to meet us. We might all pray and give but what is done and prayed in secret, He sees and hears and enjoys the most. (Matthew 5).  

Psalm 91.1 has been quoted many times. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. But let’s not just quote verse one but do verse two “I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust." Let’s each make Him our refuge and secret place. We say: You are my LORD, You are my refuge, You are the one I’m trusting in.

Friends, our God is not just transcendent (bigger than the universes), but He is immanent (with us on earth), So lets make our lockdown garden or room, our secret place. Let’s see His face and meet with Him there.  Not because the virus is coming but because He is coming. Not because corona is spreading, but because His kingdom and the gospel is spreading.Millions will come to Christ. There is no corona curtain.

Our King is not only immanent, but also resident. As He dwells within our spirits, let’s make the secret place of our heart a throne for the King.  Let’s meet our “lockdown Lover” and Father there and let Him see your face and hear your voice each day.